My photo
"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Monday 8 February 2016


(Credits & appreciation to the owner of this picture)

who dare turned up in my dream
and wrecked my night away, 
had a sneak peek at my innermost desire, 
only to steal my precious minutes. 

who dare to ensnare my soul
and lead it astray,
like the wily Serpent of old,
only to taint my canvas of dream.

who came from the dark recess
of a tumultuous mind,
have no business of meddling
in my thoughts and in my plans.

who came uninvited,
must leave quietly by
and stay away forever 
from my slumber or my dreams.......

- © M@t@Maya, 01 February 2016

Tuesday 11 August 2015


(Credits & appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Oh you stupid grieving heart!
What did you expect?
For him to change?
For him to beg?

For he knows not
The meaning of true love
Nor the idea of sharing
He has a stone heart!

Stop fooling yourself
You stupid pathetic heart
Pick yourself up!
And take that first stride

Get out and explore
The world out there is yours
Leave the past behind
And live your life anew!

Beat strong again dear heart
Fill your emptiness with joy
Take charge of your life
And love will come to you

Fly out of your cage
Fly high and far
Leave your sadness behind
And aim for the stars

- © M@t@Maya, 10 August 2015

Monday 10 August 2015


(Credits & appreciation to the owner of this picture)
Who could have known
that there's a bird
living inside
a gilded cage

Who could have thought
a woman so beautiful
having most things
 is lonely and sad

Who could have imagined
someone so selfless
living a boring life
of total sacrifice

Who could have chanced upon
one time a maiden so happy
now turned angry

If only they know the plight
of a woman once highly
loved and appreciated
 now a bird in a cage

If only they know....

- © M@t@Maya, 10 August 2015

Friday 14 February 2014


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Today's got to be the bluest day for me
A day when lovers exchange their promises and love
Of red roses, chocolates, cupcakes and candy
Of requests for blessings from God above

Where ever I go RED colors the walls and places
Roses blooms line the five-foot way
Beauties in red stiletto heels and dresses
But for me it's just BLUE and dismay

Have I become a face of a mere stranger?
Have I become an object of yesterday?
Have I become a thing of history?
This cold, sad and blue Valentine's Day!

This Valentine Day is a time of reckoning
I learned the pain of being unappreciated
The humiliation of being forgotten
And of presence no longer wanted

With today's Blue Valentine Day I vow
To no longer wait or expect from another
To no longer be taken for granted
For there's no such thing as 'forever'

Have a BLUE Valentine's Day!

- © M@t@Maya, 14 February 2014

Friday 7 February 2014


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Suatu ketika dahulu
akulah Puterimu
yang kau manjakan
dengan kasih nan ayu
Akulah mahkotamu
yang kau letakkan
di atas kepalamu
Akulah permata hatimu
yang kau genggam
bagitu teguh
Akulah bintangmu
yang menerangi
malam gelapmu
Akulah Sang Suriamu
yang memancar
memanaskan duniamu
Tetapi sekarang
aku hanya patung
yang bernyawa
mengikut putaran masa
Aku hanya insan
biasa yang merana
ketandusan nasib
dirundung malang
Bagaikan negara
hilang rajanya
Bagaikan kapal
hilang nakhodanya
Bagaikan malam
gelap tampa cahaya
Aku hanya cangkerang
yang kehilangan maya
setelah engkau pergi
tampa kata-kata

- © M@t@Maya 07 February 2014

Thursday 16 January 2014


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture
Written on behalf of Nella))

Darkness loomed 
over my head
and air seemed 
to have thinned down
and the walls seemed 
to close upon me
life slowly withdrew 
from my body

I needed support 
to lean on
I needed light 
to get through
I needed words 
as comfort
I needed love
I needed you

When I had given 
all of my trust
and almost all 
of my life to him
he walked away 
and left me to die
to mourn his loss 
in such grim

Then you came by
like a faint breeze
blowing sense into
my tired mind
and you picked up
the pieces of
my broken heart
and made it whole

Now you're also gone
leaving me broken
like I was before
but even worse
because I thought
you'd stay a little 
longer if not

And here I am
nursing a broken heart
and a wretched soul
dragging myself to
continue my journey of life 
and to cherish your gift 
of a beauitful child -
your son

- © M@t@Maya (16 January 2014)

Friday 4 October 2013


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture)
the tears I've shed
for the children of Syria
had been kept
by now they would
have drowned

the tears I've shed
for the children of Iraq
had been left to flow
by now they would
have soaked
the earth

the tears I've shed
for the children of Africa
had been rivers of gold
by now all children
need not suffer

the tears I've shed
for the children of the world
had been able to heal
by now all children
of the world
are well

My tears are just tears
shed out of empathy and sympathy
shed out of frustration and pain
shed out of love and care
for the world and
for humanity

I hope my tears are not in vain
I hope that God in heaven feels my pain
I hope that He hears my plea
I hope that He cares to answer me
I hope that He will soon end
the pain of this world and of the children

- © M@t@Maya 03rd October 2013

Thursday 3 October 2013


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this pictures)
Shouldn't they be running 
amongst flowers in meadows 
or tugging the leashes of their doggies
or drawing cartoons on their sketch pads
or licking ice creams on a hot day?

Shouldn't they be held close
to the bosoms of their mums and dads
or just watching Sesame Street on TV screens
or making faces with each other in their kindy classes
or riding their neon-colored mini bikes?

Why do we adults bring them forth
to the world they never ask for
yet only to live lives
of sheer pain and

Aren't they supposed to be gifts from God?
Yet they've become the pawns in adults' games
they're the price of adults' wars
and they live in pain
and die in vain

Open your eyes and look at them
See those tiny bloodied faces
Hear their whimpering cries
Touch their skinny limbs
and watch they die

Stop that greed! Cease the wars!
Do you think you can own this world forever?
No! Not even the children will
Because of you adults they
the children die

What do they die for???

- © M@t@Maya 03rd October 2013

Monday 2 September 2013


(Credit & appreciation to the owner of this picture)

The sky is your roof
The ground is your bed
Each day a laboured one
Each night in cold sweat 

That once manly body 
now haggard and weary
And that brawny skin
now covered with dirt

Yet in that peaceful slumber
I see no hatred
I see no anger just pain
and may be regret

Your heart must have been
Broken a hundred times
Your tears must have frozen
Or they have just run dry

What might be the reason 
for such great suffering?
Why have life been so cruel? 
Was it her or was it you?

How many would care to know
How many bother to see
the pain that you bear
in such adversity?

If I know where you are
I would ask how might I help
May be share my lunches
or have my dinners instead

To God in heaven I can only pray
to ease your burden each passing day
To grant you mercy and forgiveness
To guide you again and show you the way

- © M@t@Maya (01-09-2013)

Sunday 1 September 2013


(Credit & appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Haruskah aku dipermainkan
di hujung jejari mu
seperti patung wayang kulit
dikuasai Tok Dalang nya?

Haruskah engkau menguasai
hidup ku yang singkat ini
ibarat embun di hujung rumput
hilang tibanya suria di pinggir langit?


- © M@t@Maya (01-09-2013)

Thursday 8 August 2013


(Credit & appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Terlintas dalam fikiran ku
ketika engkau ucapkan kepada ku 
serangkai puisi indah dan syahdu
hatiku terpaut didahan rindu

Teringat ku senyuman manis mu
ketika kau membelai sebelah pipiku
di bawah rembulan bercahaya biru
airmata menitis kerana ku terharu

Termeterailah suatu janji
di antara dua insan yang berani
merentas lautan cinta yang suci
berjanji bersama sehidup mati

Di kota bersejarah Kota Al-Jizah
kau lafazkan cinta yang kian indah
membelai kalbu ku yang menjadi lemah
dan aku menyerah kalah

Bersaksikan tugu yang berkurun usianya
di bawah sinaran bulan purnama
berhadapan dengan piramid yang tua
kita seumpama pinang dibelah dua

Begitulah kisah sepasang insan
yang terpaut di dahan percintaan
dan berjanji hidup sering jalan
hingga ke akhir hayat berteman

- © M@t@Maya (08-08-2013)

Sunday 28 July 2013


(Specially for Gabriel - Rest in peace)

It has been years since we last met
when we were young and free
when life was simple
just you and me

Why hadn't we met at least one time
since that last day together
at the orchard cabin
on our own

Now I feel the pain of losing you my friend
the regrets of unspoken words
the time we should
have used

From now onwards, the rain will always be sad
because for me they are tears
the heaven cries
for you

They say that rain makes everything beautiful
but today the rain makes me cry
tears of sadness
of goodbye

I shall remember the sweet smile upon your lips
each time I cracked some funny jokes
about this crazy world
this crazy life

So now you rest in eternal peace my dearest friend
And though you have departed
our memories together
shall remain

And today, it rains in my heart

- © M@t@Maya 28 July 2013

Wednesday 10 July 2013

149. PAPA

(Appreciation to the owner/artist of this picture)

Today I was lost
in my own thoughts and
I wished that you were near
to help me sort them out
and tell me what to do
or at least give me
a word

There are things
which only a father and
his daughter can share and
talk about without having
to worry about others
knowing or judging

I long for those times 
when you held my hands 
when we came to crossroads
and led me confidently and
safely to the other side
like a little child

If only time was ours
to catch and to hold and 
to keep and control I wouldn't
let you go and leave me
to walk the rest of 
this journey

I am okay and I wish you
are around to share my happiness
or see the children grow and
see the world the way I do
For it is because of
what you made
me do

- © M@t@Maya 10 July 2013

Friday 24 May 2013

148. CHILD.....

(Appreciation to Donald Zola, the painter of this beautiful painting)
My child,
wasn't it only yesterday that
I held you
to suckle at my breast
to satisfy your thirst?

My child,
wasn't it only yesterday
that I bathed you
and cleaned your tiny body
and washed your wisps of fine hair?

My child,
wasn't it yesterday that
I baked your first birthday cake
and placed some icing sugar
on your tiny nose?

Oh...how time has passed by
flying fast like an eagle
leaving me behind
clinging to dear moments
and not wanting to let go

now that you've grown
leaving this emptiness in me
like an empty nest
in silence

yours are now excitement
greeting new days
Mine, just this sadness
and loneliness

no matter where you are
those precious memories
and this undying love
will always be with me

- © M@t@Maya 24 May 2013

Tuesday 30 April 2013


Have I become so insignificant in your life
that I seem to have ceased to exist
except when you are in need
of someone to do your
bidding such as to
clean your mess
or heat the

Have I become invisible to you that
you could just pass me by with no
hello or how have you been
except when you desire
to have your house
cleaned or else
when you're

Have I become nothingness to you that
you could just say or do as you wish
without thinking of how I'd feel
when you talk about me and
my shortcomings as if I am
just the wind, no form
no breath that you
can feel?

My heart is screaming to be heard
My body is aching to be touched
My mind is reeling with anger
My soul is yearning to go
If you don't want me
around any more
Just give me
a sign

And I will go....

- © M@t@Maya 30 April 2013

Thursday 4 April 2013


It must have been the longest wait
A wait that no clock can measure
A wait till the Twelfth of Never
My wait for you

You left without saying goodbye
No notes nor mails to read
But the traces you left

Seems like yesterday that I heard
the sounds of your laughter
the footsteps you made
the sighs of relief

Yet you're not with me any more
You're no longer here by me
No more loving hugs
No more kisses

All that's left of you are memories
that keep filling my thoughts
and questions on why
it had to be you

If only I could rewind the scenes
If only I could re-live my life
I'd have lived it with you
like each day's the last

Wherever you are or wherever you may be
Don't take away these memories
They're all I have to keep
in this long long wait

- © M@t@Maya (04 April 2013)

Saturday 2 March 2013


We combed the meadows
ran across the fields of flowers
strolled upon the sandy beaches
jet set in the skies
walked along the river banks
Always together
So in love
in love

Then like lightning bolt strike
you were gone from my side
you vanished from my sight
and I was like a lost child
crying out for you
wanting you
to come
to me

Gone is my world with you
Gone is the sound of laughter
that used to ring in the air
for with you all is gone
and I'm still wondering
if it was just a dream
only a dream
a dream

Now I know that nothing lasts
I know that nothing stays
For all things are just
transient in nature
only here on Earth
and I shall never
believe again
in love

Love comes and goes like
the flowers we touched in the meadows
like the winds that blew through our hair
like the sands upon those beaches
like the pebbles in those rivers
like the light of the day
like the shadows
all gone away

 - © M@t@Maya 02 March 2013

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Was it yesterday 
that you held my hands 
kissed them 
then laid them on your heart? 
Was it yesterday 
that you brushed my hair 
away from my face 
so that I could see you?
Yet why does it seem 
so long ago like some
ancient memories from 
some unknown time? 

Have I lost my sense of time 
or have I grown 
so dependent upon you 
even for my breath? 
Have I turned into this puppet 
of a person that
comes to life upon the movement 
of your fingers? 
Yet my mind dreams to fly 
and traverse the skies 
My soul yearns to break free 
and touch the stars 

And my heart wants 
to walk into the evening sun 
Where as my psyche 
tells me that I should stay

- © M@t@Maya 05 February 2013

Friday 7 December 2012


You told me over the phone 
That you’d come and meet me 
Somewhere in the park 
Beneath that special tree 

I went there and I waited 
From seven in the morning until three 
Sitting on the red bench in the park
With an umbrella as my company 

Braving the cold winter wind
I kept waiting oh so patiently 
Your words kept ringing in my mind 
“Baby please be there for me” 

My tears then started falling 
And rolling down my cheeks 
My world came down crushing 
And everything seemed so bleak 

Everything seemed to fade 
Far away from my sight 
Maybe hidden by my tears 
Or enveloped by the night 

It was then I realised 
Something must have gone wrong 
You would never have made me 
Waited for you so long 

Now years had passed by 
But you're never forgotten 
You left without goodbye 
To be with God in heaven 

I just want you to know 
That the love you've given me
I will always treasure 
For eternity

- © M@t@Maya 07-12-2012

Wednesday 5 December 2012

142. MUST I DIE? (A Foetus' Lament)

Must I die 
for your wanton behaviour 
and loose moral 
to cover your shame 
and false dignity? 
What have I done 
to become the sacrifice 
of a world going nuts 
where moral standard 
is a thing of the past? 
Where wanton sex 
are just for pleasures? 
Why have you given 
me such brief life 
only to vanquish 
the tiny spark of what 
could be the greatest 
man Earth ever known? 
Who gave you the right 
to bring me from nothingness 
yet only to yank me away 
from what could have been
 my LIFE! 

- © M@t@Maya 05-12-2012


I felt you slowly lay me down
Upon the couch our love nest be
With patience and wonder in silent count
you stripped me of all my dignity
But I didn't care if it's just that
For you I'd do whatever I could
I wanted you to make me complete
To possess me and put me in your mood

I felt your touch upon my skin
as I lay my head down to sleep
Like butterfly wings fluttering in the wind
I felt my heart skipped a beat
I felt your breath upon my cheeks
Your warm lips brushing mine
I felt my knees getting so weak
I was drifting into sublime

I felt your fingers through my hair
Your kisses trailing down my throat
I just wanted you to always be there
To go on loving me till I drop
I felt your hands caressing my back
Sending tingles right to my heart
Your arms imprisoned me Oh...so strong
Like we've never ever been apart

I felt your body so close to mine
crushing my bones till I couldn't move
I felt your lips exploring mine
searching my mouth looking for love
I felt your heart beating strong
against my own racing so fast
I knew that you're where I belong
I knew then you're my future my past

The moment could only be likened
To the cosmic birth of a star
To the music in crescendo
To the waves crushing afar
Peaking up until the heaven
Soaring high like an eagle fly
You were me and I was you
We were one beneath the sky

The world, the universe was ours
When you loved me......

- M@t@Maya (© 29-03-2009) 

Sunday 2 December 2012


I feel every pain that surges within you
I live every loneliness that lingers over you
I feel you're lost and out of place
Feel like an angel fallen out of grace
I feel your world stop spinning
I hear your heart stop beating
I feel your lips devoid of warmth
Your breath no longer coming
But your Sun didn't stop shining
It's only hidden by the clouds
Kneel no more my Sweetest Love
Come, fly away with me to our destiny
Listen carefully for the angels' harps
For Pan's flute and the singing dove
Let me feel your weakening pulse
For I shall not let you go
Nor shall I let you die
For in you I place my destiny
With you I place my life
Wake up My Love, feel my kiss
This is me you've waited for
From the universe I've come
To love you now and forever more
Live My Love, Live again
I'll plead to God to bring thee rain
And I shall flow over you, inside you
Breathe life into you
For I am your Sun as you are my Day
I will warm you till all the stars burn away

- M@t@Maya (© 27-03-2009)

Tuesday 20 November 2012


I’m not angry with you 
I’m just disappointed with you 
You, whom I’ve been counting on 
Yet you are the one who abandoned me 

I don’t regret knowing you 
I don’t wish anything any more too 
You, whom I’ve loved so much these years 
Yet you are the one who threw my love away 

I didn’t mean to hurt you 
I didn’t want to be bullied by you 
You, whom I’ve trusted with all my heart 
Yet you are the one who tore my life to pieces 

And now I’m glad that I’m free 
I’m glad to stop you from using me 
From now you will realize that you will be 
Your own angry opponent and greatest enemy 

- M@t@Maya (© 20-11-2012)

Sunday 18 November 2012


They thought it was lightning 

Streaking across the night sky 

Then a thundering blast shattered the silence 

Women and children scampering by 

Cries of fear and pain filled the still air 

Men looking for lost families 

Houses and dwelling turned to rubble 

What should have been dinner time 

Turned to time of untimely deaths 

No matter how loud they screamed 

No amount of their tears could stop 

The cruelty, the atrocities of Man 

And Mother Earth could only watch 

In silent tears……. 

- M@t@Maya (© 18-11-2012)

Sunday 4 November 2012


If only I knew that one day I would meet you
I would have pleaded with Him to let me stay
A while longer in Paradise before sending me
Down to Earth and start my lifetime before yours

If only I knew how to turn back the hands of time
I would have just returned to my starting point
Just so that I could start all over again with you
To love and to live our lives till death do us part

If only I knew that one day such a gorgeous guy
Like you would be born on this borrowed world
I would have remained chaste and stayed alone
Until our paths eventually crossed and we would meet

If only I knew that even with all this we would still brave 
The rain and brave the storm of love, I would have just 
Not bothered with listening to reasons and rhymes 
Instead I would live and love you with all my heart, mind, body and soul......

If only, if only I knew then..........

- M@t@Maya (© 17-01-2009)


How does one tell the moon to stand still 
and wait for the sun so that their brilliance enchant the Milky Way?
How does one build a castle of sand upon a beach 
beaten by waves day after day?

How does one reach out for the stars 
and pluck them to brighten the darkest night?
How does one say goodbye to yesterday 
and say hello to tomorrow, when today remains a twilight?

How can we tell someone that some things cannot be changed, 
that the hands of time cannot be turned back?
How does one tell someone that love, 
though so sweet can be painful, and can bring a heartbreak? 

- M@t@Maya (© 17-03-2008)


When I thought that it was time to let you go 
So you would not have to bear 
The burden of loving and caring for me 

When you told me again that I am yours 
That you'll never free me 
Not for moments, minutes or hours 

When you open your eyes to greet the sun 
I'm glad you didn't let me go 
Now I'm certain you're THE ONE.

- M@t@Maya (© 09-01-2009)


To spare you the pain of letting go 
Here I offer you my hand 
For you to bid me GOODBYE 
For TOMORROW..... 

To spare you the pain of remembering 
Here I offer you your heart 
I am giving it back as a HELLO 

To spare you the pain of sorrow 
Here I offer you my last farewell 
For you to take with you as you leave me 
Finally TODAY........ 

- M@t@Maya (© 04-01-2009) 

Wednesday 24 October 2012


My Dearest,
You will be my friend for all time 
You will be my shadow during the day 
You will be my reflection during the night 
You will be my Sun during my darkest hour 
You will be my Moon in a starless night 
You will be my reverie when I am awake 
You will be my vivid dream when I sleep 
You will be my pillar of strength when I am weak 
You will be my comfort pillow when I am sad 
You will be shelter from the storm 
You will be my wings to fly 
You will be the kisses to my lips 
You will be the tears when I cry 
And most of all.........you will be my love for eternity 

- M@t@Maya (© 17-03-2009)

Tuesday 23 October 2012

132. WINGS

Soon you will earn your 'Wings'
To fly across the deep blue sky.
Soon you will be free
To fulfil your dreams and be with me.
Soon you will learn the meaning of life
To fine your true love and a wife.
With your new found 'Wings'
You will find me;
You will span the ocean, cross the sea;
With your new found 'Wings'
You will reach my world
The magical land of your dream girl.
When you have found Me
Your 'Wings' will set me free.
Fly, My Love, fly to the sun
Take me along, have some fun.
Fly to my Land of The Long White Cloud
Fly your 'Wings', make me proud.
Across the ocean, over the sea
Fly, My Love, Fly over to Me.

- M@t@Maya (© 09-08-2008)

131. LAST NIGHT....

Last night while you were sleeping 
I pulled up the cover to make sure 
that you were always warm and comfortable....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I sat quietly and watched 
your eyes fluttering in dreams....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I kissed your forehead and told myself 
how lucky I was to have you by my side....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I brushed away the wisps of hair from your face 
and reminded myself how much I love you....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I listened to the soft sound of your calm breathing 
and I thanked God for the gift of you....
Last night as I sat watching you sleep 
I prayed to The Almighty to grant me this privilege 
of meeting you, knowing you, being with you 
and loving you until eternity
only then, could I lay myself beside you 
and close my eyes to sleep. 
Good night my love, 
let us rest our weary bodies and tired mind....

- M@t@Maya (© 20-10-2010)

Friday 28 September 2012


Close your eyes and hold my hands 
I will guide you to the place 
Where birds sing in colours 
And the wind trails are angels' songs 
Where the sun sets in gold 
And the sea lay still as if in sleep 
Feel the cool autumn breeze 
Blowing jasmine scents in your hair 
You are going with me to my love nest 
Feel the winds beneath your wings 
The moistened clouds brushing your lips 
You are mine and I am yours in this 
Lost paradise of broken dreams and vows 
But we're going to fix it right 
With our love so sacred and pure 
Love that was born when time was nothing 
But which has thrived through all 
The calamities of this troubled Earth 
Such is our love upon which our souls 
Fly for eons over the distant stars 
My love for you is so deep and sacred 
A sheer curtain shrouding the Earth 
I know I've loved you long ago before time 
And I am loving you now, and I will love you 
Tomorrow, the day after, and forever more 
And no one will love you like this ever 
Close your eyes and just let me take you 
To that place where love doesn't die 
Where hearts don't break and where souls 
Are free....just follow me, Je t'aime 
For this is a one-way trip, my Heart 
This is a journey of no return.....

- M@t@Maya (© 31-03-2009)

Thursday 27 September 2012


God, help me, I am falling
Falling so hard and so deep
I'm afraid I would crash
Out of control......

God, my heart is racing
Racing so fast and loud
I'm scared I would die
Before touching him....

God, my head is spinning
Till my eyes couldn't see
I'm so dizzy I would fall
Even more in love.....

God, give me your hand
Guide me on this journey
I'm scared I would lose
My way to him......

God, I wish he knows
Just how much I feel
How much I love him
Like I've never been....

God, I know You know
How much I wanna be
With him right now
I wish he's with me....

God, help me cos I'm falling
This time too far below
I can't return
To where I was before...

Help me, God, help me to cope
Help me to contain these feelings
Help me from falling further
For I must not be.......

- M@t@Maya (© 25-03-2009)