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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 22 June 2012


Sitting at Starbucks sipping coffee 
Or walking along Oxford Street 
Never fails to evoke sweet memory 
Of my dearest friend, ForeVer Habibi
Driving along Doha's Corniche 
Watching the sea so calm and still 
Remembering someone special in my heart
Longing to hear his voice so thrill 
Recalling a funny incident 
When 'Habibi' tried to jump onto his bed 
And fell down groping in the dark 
Cutting his chin, luckily not his head 
I often smile as I remember 
The stories we shared that bygone day 
I miss 'Habibi' telling me stuff 
In his excited, funny and honest way 

You know, I never fail to say 
A prayer to petition to Him 
To keep 'Habibi' well everyday 
To fulfil each and all his dreams 
'Habibi', I feel empty and lost 
When you decided to stay away 
But I'll keep your memory uppermost 
In my mind till my dying day 
Thank you, 'Habibi' for being YOU 
For crossing the path of my destiny 
For teaching me the meaning of LIFE 
For ever sharing your LOVE with me 
Someone remembers, someone cares 
Someone dreams about you, someone smiles 
Because you have left your footprints there 
Deeply imprinted in my heart for miles 

Take care, 'Habibi', be safe be well 
For I'll be worried if you're in pain 
Keep cool, be kind to your body and mind 
And if God wills it, you'll hear from me again 

- M@t@Maya ( © 22-05-2009)

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