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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Wednesday 18 April 2012


As long as the Sun still rises in the east
As long as the fishes do not fly in the sky
As long as the Moon still stay in orbit
You and Me will forever be an impossibility

As long as the matchstick doesn’t burn water
As long as the waves still comes from the sea
As long as the World hasn’t stop revolving
You and Me will forever be an impossibility

- M@t@Maya (© 28-05-2010)

45. A ROSE

Here’s the Rose Of My Heart
I present to you my love
Promise me you’ll take care
That you’ll cherish and love

Here’s the Rose Of My Mind
I send to you my dearest
Promise me you’ll hold it
That you’ll be mine always

Here’s the Rose of My Body
I permit you to have and hold
Promise me you’ll be true
Loving me until we grow old

Here’s the Rose of My Soul
I grow in your Garden of Love
Guard it like you care for gold
For I am yours, no one above.

- M@t@Maya (© 01-05-2010)


I am like bird in a cage
Feeling the breeze kissing my brow
Watching the Sun chasing the Moon
Hearing the waves crushing the shore

I am like trophy on the shelf
Admired and adored but there I stay
Till the dusts do come
Then they hide me away

I am like an antique timepiece
Ticking away in some jewel box
So prized but locked away
No one could see the beautiful Me

Come and save me, set me Free….

- M@t@Maya (© 28-05-2010)


Don’t cry any more, dry your tears
For he has long been gone with the winds 
He has closed the door of your Heart 
When he walked out on you, but you’ve 
Got to let the Sun in and keep you warm 
He’s not worth your golden tears, so let go
Someone else is waiting at your Heart’s Door 
Say Goodbye to him forever and live your life 
Like you’ve just been born and awaiting new Love 
Dry your eyes and let them shine, and show 
The World that you are Beautiful inside out 

- M@t@Maya (© 28-05-2010)


Somewhere in the garden of my heart
You and I are together embracing
love that is as old as time
For you are the one true love
Of mine, my Secret Love
In that garden I could have you
in my arms alone and I could
breathe my life and love
right into you for we share
more than just love
We share the world
share the life
For only in that garden
I can surrender myself to you
my heart, mind, body and soul
For I have not falter in my love
for you and I will hold you
close to my heart
until my arms have grown cold
You know that I love you
and care for you
until there is nothing left
and that my love for you
is TIMELESS......

- M@t@Maya (© 23-06-2009)


Taking a walk along the waterfront
Watching the moon glowing in the sky
Bringing a bagful of memories
Of those times you made me cry
I close me eyes and reach out for the winds
Holding my breath as I say my prayer
A requiem for a friendship that has died
For a love that's gone now and forever

In a wink of an eye I'm on the moon's bosom
Swinging gently against the breeze
Throwing away pieces of memories of you
Though reluctant I have to do this
For now I'm stepping into a new world
Over the threshold of love and commitment
To be the woman, no longer a girl
And honour a promise of love to a gentleman

I wish you luck, love and happiness
And hope you'll find a soul mate to marry
Who'll love you the way that I once did
When I had you in my heart, inside of me
I was found by a man who promises to love me
For a thousand reasons that mean everything
And his love for me transcends all boundaries
But well kept within a lovely golden ring

Goodbye My Love, Goodbye to your memory
Even though it hurts to lose myself
That once was you as you were once me
For the time has come for us to be free
If we should meet somewhere sometime
The choice is yours to greet me or not
You may get me completely out of your mind
Or you could remember me from time to time

- M@t@Maya (© 01-07-2009)


Loving you brings so much pain
The pain of not being able to kiss you
The pain of not being able to touch you
The pain of not being able to lay with you
The pain of not being able to put my arms around you
The pain of not being able to run my fingers through your hair....

Loving you brings so much tears
Tears of anger when you keep your silence
Tears of joy when you tell me that you love me
Tears of loneliness when I think of you not with me
Tears of frustration when you tell me to hang on there
Tears of hope for a dream that will probably never come true....

Loving you brings so much fear
Fear that I might lose control of my life
Fear that I would lose this sanity over you
Fear that I can no longer make this sacrifice
Fear that you might be not there any more for me
Fear that you finally choose to let me go...........

And because loving you is so painful
I think that 'Goodbye' is the only way to go
But even 'Goodbye' is so hard to bid
Because I simply love you so.....
So much.

- M@t@Maya (© 29-12-2008)


If I could touch Wally's face with a single hair
Let it caress his gentle heart in wisp of air
I wonder if he'll feel the whispering breeze
from these lips with a single kiss
but who am I to tempt the man
who's only a dream
in a faraway land
For now all I can give
A Rose for Wally.

- M@t@Maya ♥ (© 18-03-2009))


If our hearts are made of gold
There would be no more heartbreak
Nor would there be wasted tears
Or forsaken love, and homes wrecked

If I had had many hearts in this life
They would have fallen like autumn leaves
Each time the wind of love would blow
One by one they fell causing great grieve

No wonder GOD gives us each one heart
With which to love, to hate and to forgive
And even when we are so far apart
In our hearts our loved ones forever live

I have this little heart inside of me
My treasure box, my sanctuary
Even when it dies my love will be
Living in yours for eternity

- M@t@Maya  (© 16-03-2011)


Like a red rose,
I stood out in the crowd.
And like a rose, 
I was beautiful.
Like a rose, 
I beckoned.
Like a rose, 
I was loved.
Like a rose in full bloom, 
I was alluring.
Like a red red rose, 
I was mysterious.
But like a single rose, 
I was lonely.
And especially so, 
because you weren't there.
And in the midst 
of the fireworks 
and noisy parade,
Doha was cold, 
lonely and empty for me.
you weren't there.......

- M@t@Maya (© 19-12-2010)


If I could live a thousand years
A thousand years I’d live for you
In you I’d treasure all my dreams
Of velvet skies of azure blue

I’d make you smile each night and day
With words of love and promises true
I’d paint your name among the stars
And spray the skies with “I Love You”

We’d ride upon the comets’ tails
Blow our kisses on meteor showers
Stitch our hearts upon the gales
Pour our love on meadow flowers

We’d dance upon the northern light
The aurora show of magic blue
The rounded full moon shining bright
Bears witness of my love for you

God, I‘ve so much love to give
To him, the one who won my heart
I know I’d love him for as long as I live
Please, please don’t keep us apart.

- M@t@Maya (© 26-03-2009)


WHY? Oh why???
He had barely breathed the cool morning breeze
He had barely run in his neighbourhood
He had barely been able to speak all the words
He had barely discovered all the colors of the rainbow
He had barely met all his little cousins
He had barely known the name of his country
WHY? Oh why??
Why did he have to be the sacrifice for nothing?
Why did he have to bear the pain of war?
Why did he have to be the victim 
Of men’s greed and insatiable desires?
Why did he have to DIE?
He didn’t have to die, if men had learned the lesson
Of greed, of deceit, of arrogance, of ignorance

WHY? Oh why??
This child didn’t have to die!!!

- M@t@Maya (© 25-01-2011)


You put me up on a pedestal
Like a newly won trophy I was adored
Then, like most trophies won of dreams
I was pushed away to the corner, bored

Like a trophy I was admired and loved
But like an old trophy I was then tucked away
Then in an old cupboard I was hidden
Awaiting the right time, the end to my stay

Life high up there can be painful and lonely
Hard to reach and easy to wreck and fall
Adored for elegance, deportment and beauty
Cursed for want of loving care…..that’s all

Oh! Stop putting me up on high
Enough of exalting me like I’m a goddess
I don’t need fancy words and sweet lies
Just be genuine, be real , be honest!!

Because….that’s all I want from you…..

- M@t@Maya (© 25-05-2011)

33. STOP!!

Stop telling me that you know how it feels
Stop telling me that you can understand
How many times have your heart been broken?
That you can tell me to stand up and be a man

It is MY heart that’s been crushed and trashed
All you know is how to talk, how to pretend
Do I look like I need your lies and false sympathy?
Just go away and leave me to my very own end!

- M@t@Maya (© 25-06-2011)


Hearts....one, two and three
Belong to him, to you and to me
One heart swayed, fell and crashed
All dreams now are doomed and dashed

Three hearts beat….mine, his and yours
One heart taken from love’s cozy throne
Only to be thrown, trashed and crushed
Broken in pieces upon the hard stone

One is lonely, but three is a crowd
Hearts can never thrive in threes
His, yours and mine, whose will it be
The one that’ll break away and be free

- M@t@Maya (© 25-05-2011)


There is just no way to win
Which ever way I go I lose
Too much love I have gotten
Please don’t make me choose

Life sometimes feels painful
Feels like I don’t belong
May be it’s GOD’s way
Of testing me to make me strong

Too much love I have given
I am drowned in my own love
Too much love I still need
Don’t know when it’ll be enough

- M@t@Maya (© 30-06-2010)


My Love, I feel so lonely tonight
I feel like the flower looking at the Moon
I miss you desperately you'll never know
I only pray that we could meet very soon

My Love, in my world there's no one else
Just you and me and the whole wide sky
And the loneliness tonight brings me tears
And I just wish that I'm a bird so I could fly

My Love, to me your are the Moon
That shines your light to Earth below
You're so beautiful, you make me swoon
The more I look the more I love you so

My Love, how can we ever be together
You are the Moon, the light of the sky
I'm just a little lonesome flower
Waiting for some love to pass me by

My Love, how nice it would be if you need me
To brighten your day and warm your night
Come down oh my Moon and stay beside me
Cherish my bloom and hold me real tight

For now I can only look up at you
Until your light fade away
My Moon my love what can I do
I love you more and more with passing day

- M@t@Maya (© 30-03-2009)


I am here and you are there
I think about you every night and day
I feel like a man looking at the Moon
Please come to me – make it real soon

I am here and you are there
I wonder about you, what do you do
This painful longing I can barely bear
I just want to be close, right next to you

I am here and you are there
Why are you doing this to poor me?
I feel that it isn’t that fair
That I have to wait so eagerly

I am here and you are there
Please come to me, let me love you
I’m here and you should be with me
Let me love you and forever I shall be

- M@t@Maya (© 04-09-2010)


Feels as if we've known each other long
before time set about its course
Seems like it was eons ago
when the world was in its primordial youth
that there was YOU and there was ME
in shapeless forms our souls were free
Yes...there was you and there was me
in countless places wherever it be
We could feel the pull of the tide of love
that pulls us so powerful above
No man can stop these written words
That spell our destinies no matter what
Our souls are old, ancient as they are
They have passed all the tests of time
through various names, creeds and war
They met, separated, found each other again
through unnumbered days, and countless nights
Searching for each other in the silent deep
of the borderless universe and endless skies
Two souls that were born as one
separated by desires and needs there be
Two souls now born in a different world
Still kept apart by the distance and the sea
When will these two souls unite
To become one?

- M@t@Maya (© 28-03-2009)


Dearest,I feel every pain that surges within you
I live every loneliness that lingers over you
I feel you're lost and out of place
Feel like an angel fallen out of grace
I feel your world stop spinning
I hear your heart stop beating
I feel your lips devoid of warmth
Your breath no longer coming
But your Sun didn't stop shining
It's only hidden by the clouds
Kneel no more my Sweetest Love
Come, fly away with me to our destiny
Listen carefully for the angels' harps
For Pan's flute and the singing dove
Let me feel your weakening pulse
For I shall not let you go
Nor shall I let you die
For in you I place my destiny
With you I place my life
Wake up My Love, feel my kiss
This is me you've waited for
From the universe I've come
To love you now and forever more
Live My Love, Live again
I'll plead to God to bring thee rain
And I shall flow over you, inside you
Breathe life into you
For I am your Sun as you are my Day
I will warm you even when all the stars burn away

- M@t@Maya ( © 27-03-2009)


‘GOODBYE’ is not just a word – it is THE word….
When one needs a fresh new beginning
When one gets worn out by the burden of a relationship gone sour
When a love story ends with too many tears and heartaches
When expectations and hopes are no longer looked forward to
When one sees the other as a thorn in the flesh
When every word spoken sparks heated quarrel
When the slightest touch of the skin feels repulsive
When waking up each morning is such a drudgery
When ‘Honey’, ‘Sweetheart’ and ‘Baby’ become ‘Damn you!’
This is the time when ‘GOODBYE’ has to be said; MUST be said
In order to save the remaining flicker of life in the two tired souls

‘GOODBYE’ my Dearest One, while I can still call you dearly…

- M@t@Maya (© 29-09-2010)


No one knows
how empty
and hollow 
that place 
in my heart is, 
since you decided
to stay away……….

No one can 
guess the pain
that gnaws 
deep within 
the soul 
that longs only
for your touch……….

- M@t@Maya (© 30-10-2010)


Here’s my heart, I give to you
Keep it safe inside your hand
Hold it long, faithful and true
As long as men walk on this land

A heart that beats for you only
Nights and days, months and years
For I shall love you and you only
With you I have no fear, nor tears

Because you are my heart…………….Y

- M@t@Maya (© 31-10-2010)