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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Saturday 21 April 2012


My life now hangs by a silver thread
from a cliff of dreams and hope and love
If he leaves me then that thread will break
And I shall crash all the way from above
My days are now like a calendar on the wall
Numbered, marked and remembered one by one
If he decides to leave me now I will fall
My dreams, my hope and my breath all gone
I cannot dream or imagine or even think
My life without him it makes me wanna cry
If he leaves me I'm no one, I am nothing
My thread of life will break and I will die
That is
if he leaves me

- M@t@Maya ( © 30-03-2009)


That fine day you walked along the beach of my heart
and left your footprints along the lonely shore
I didn't think someone would come away this far
I traced your footsteps to find out if there's more
The footprints now keep becoming closer and closer
like someone there's been staggering along
I wondered what he'd be like, what he was after
Whose footprints were these, to whom do they belong

Against the colors of the setting sun there stood
A figure, a silhouette of a man looking afar
So still, so quiet, so lonely and out of touch
Like his eyes were fixed on the distant stars
Why had he trodden upon my lonely beach
Did he know that with every step he trod
He would leave his footprints forever engraved
deeply on my broken heart, please help me God

No matter how hard the waves'd crash
Upon my lonely beach of gold
His footprints would not be washed
They'll forever stay in my soul
Now he's chosen to leave my lonely shores
and walk away with no care or memories
But does he know that my heart's been touched
when he took a walk along my lonely beach

His footprints will forever stay
on the shores of my saddened heart
they'll be reminders of that day
even when we've grown far apart
Thank you for passing along
the desolate beach of my soul
leaving your footprints in a song
of a silent heart, I gave my all....

- M@t@Maya ( © 15-04-2009)


Oh...how I hate the memory
of the cold winter days
and bittersweet winter nights
Those were the painful days
when my life was at its worst
when my heart bled with heartbreak
when my soul was searching for answers
when my body was wrecked with hunger
when my mind was spinning with questions
Oh...I still can't come to terms
with myself when I recall those
cruel winter days
when no one seemed to understand
and no one seemed to care
Those lonely winter nights
of wanderings lost in the dark
crying tears that cut through my face
those were the time I had wished
that death would come easy
for at that time I was a broken person
lost like a ship in a storm
like a herd without its shepherd
Those were the nights I had the skies
as my roof, the hailstones
as my teardrops, the stars were
witnesses to my desperation
Those were the lowest moments
of my life and I wanna forget
the pain, the tears, the heartache
Winter shall never be my season
For I died momentarily on one
of those cold, wet lonely nights.......

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-04-2009)


My soul has travelled the universe in search
Of a Soul Mate to make my life complete
Travelled the suns and moons and planets
To look for love within a heart that'll bleed.....

A heart that'll bleed at the sight and thought of me
A heart that'll promise love infinite
Through thick and thin through rain or shine
For I have searched long and wide.......

For eons have I travelled in search
And eons more I will continue to look
Until my heart's desires are fulfilled
I must find him by hook or by crook.....

I will search and I will look in every nook and corner
Where are you my heart's desire, my soul's provider
My love unmatched, my mind's robber, my body's on fire
Unmasked yourself and show me who you are.....

- M@t@Maya (© 07-02-2009)

64. YOU....

You are in my thoughts each moment of the day
You are in my heart each beating that it makes
You are in my mind each passing of the hour
You are in my reverie each time I close my eyes
You are in my dreams each night that I fall asleep
You are in my breath each time I inhale
You are in my eyes in everything I see
You are in my lips with every word I utter..........
Who are YOU, that YOU are with me in everything I do?
You are YOU, and you know who YOU are
Why are YOU always with me
Because I let YOU be, because.............
I love YOU.

- M@t@Maya ( © 14022010)


I almost had the world upon my palm
So close it was I could feel it’s warmth
I could smell it’s fresh sunny showers
Could almost kiss its meadow flowers
It was just another mile to go
Just another trek to follow
It was just one more day to stay
One more stage to act a play
But Arrogance came creeping in
Corrupted my soul with so much sin
Fired my desire for what weren’t mine
Made me question anything divine
For with Arrogance came Greed
Told me to get more than I need
Yet, with everything that I’ve had
Life still feels empty and sad
Because Life doesn’t belong to me
It’s a gift and privilege from The Almighty
How could I even think of having the world
I’m just one arrogant, unthinking greedy girl
One can never ‘almost have’ something
That was HIS from the very beginning……

- M@t@Maya (© 02-12-2011)


Who am I to meddle with Divine plan
To have messed up the puzzle pieces
Hoping to create the plan of Man
Trying to play GOD in all His greatness?

To wage a war against the Heaven's force
Is like trying to move the Earth with my finger
If only I had listened to the cosmic whispers
This hellish fear would no longer linger

Who am I to scoff at Destiny
To have mocked and tempted Fate
Hoping to change what was meant to be
To fool the Angels at Heaven's Gate?

I knew I loved you even before I met you
But I chose to fight my way against the tide
I wouldn't let my Chart of Life be proven true
I neglected you, forced you away from my side

Now I am faced with the final moment
To make a decision of a lifetime
But without a heart I'm just a body of flesh
Incapable of giving love devoid of crime

Is it fair to the man who loves me
Be it at day or in the dark of the night
Won't it be wrong to accept him to my life
Just because the future seems so bright?

Someone...Help me...I am at a crossroad...

- M@t@Maya (© 13-07-2009)


The world seemed like Paradise
Seen from their longing eyes
The flickering colours of neon lights
Seemed to be stars twinkling bright
Two people in the sweetest embrace
Intoxicated in lovers’ daze
The sweet fragrance from their heat
Blown by the wind when bodies met
She stood apart and looked at him
In all his majestic manly frame
Her breath quickened at the sight she saw
She was speechless struck in awe
Then a little voice in her head
Told her to taste the apple red
It told her that she’d find the Truth
The sweetest feeling God put on Earth
She gave him a portion - a bite or two
This would seal their love anew
With renewed strength and wanton desires
They could no longer contain their fires
Their bodies moved in rhythmic dance
Full of love and lust in trance
Two humans who had found love
Now angered The One above
She sat huddled on the bed
Put her arms to hide her head
He reached out to hold her tight
Wanting to love her through the night
But she was ashamed of her nakedness
What had she done, would there be forgiveness?
And lovingly he said to her
“I don’t care…I’ll love you forever
Together we’ll go through thick and thin
Forgive us God for our mortal sin
We would trade our immortality
For a moment’s glimpse of eternity….”

- M@t@Maya (© 26-03-2009)