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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Sunday 22 April 2012


How long will it last
before we touch ground?
How long will it take
before we wake up?
I am now dreaming
We're dancing on the moon
Fancy foot works
A glide on the clouds
Soft angels music
Light gossamer shroud
Upon my shoulders
To shield me from cold
Your hand on my hip
My palm you do hold
Our bodies are swaying
in rhythmic dance
Our breath blend in tandem
A God given chance
I want it to go on
Don't stop it too soon
Let's dance till the dawn
On this silvery Moon....
Oh! I love you so
And that....you must know!

- M@t@Maya ( © 30-03-2009)


Your eyes pierce my very soul
Your smiles color all my days
Your words soothe all my pain
Your messages guide all my ways

Are you a stranger who's lost his way
Who's come by mistake into my dream
Or are you some lost soul gone astray
Looking for fun or a one night steam?

Why have you touched my heart so deep
Like we've been together all the eons
Is this thing we have now really for keeps
Or by tomorrow will it be gone?

Please don't tease my vulnerable heart
Stop fooling around my tired mind
Don't play with my troubled soul
Please be truthful, please be kind

Tell me now, who you are
That you've control my every move
I see your face just everywhere
I hear your voice I feel your love

I still don't know how we've met
Why our paths have crossed some how
Someone has orchestrated this move?
Or is it just an arrow from Cupid's Bow?

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-03-2009)


My Love, I'll carry your heart anywhere I go
So that I'll always remember you
My Love, I'll carry your smile in my darkest moment
To let you know that I love you too

My Dearest, I'll carry your love to the end of the world
And let it shroud me safe from harm and fear
My Dearest, I'll carry your kisses softly upon my lips
To remind me that you're always near

My Sweetheart, I'll carry your dreams upon my brows
And wish that every single one comes true
My Sweetheart, I'll carry your touch upon my breasts
And let my heart beats only for you

My Soul Mate, I'll carry your name next to mine
And show the world that we are done
My Soul Mate, I'll carry your body with so much love
And will carry your child in my body for now we are ONE

My Love, My Dearest, My Sweetheart, My Soul Mate
I promise that I will carry you in everything I do
Till death do us part, till we reach Heaven's Gate
For I shall tell God that I love no one else as much as I love you

- M@t@Maya (© 08-02-2009)


Like the dew drop clinging to a stalk of grass
in the early morning sun, a jewel of nature
made by God’s hand, like a tear drop
waiting to fall – such was our love
so pure and sacred, untouched
Yet, like the dew drop it was
not meant to last, gone
with the first sun ray
and never to

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-03-2010)


Forever you and I
How beautiful it would be
but we both know that
this will forever be a dream
where our hearts will find love
where our souls will meet
and our lives shall be one
Forever you and I
Is just a wishful thinking
playing fantasies
in the garden of our minds
Wishes we know will
always be in their youth
never to be lived and realized
Forever you and I
in a world of our own
where no one can take away
our dreams and our roles
A secret hideaway
in a land of
turquoise green dreams
where there's just you and I

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-04-2009)