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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 19 April 2012


Did he seriously think that she would care?
That she would cry till all her tear runs dry
Did he imagine that she would sit and mourn?
Like there's no more moon and sun in the sky

Well, she doesn't...honestly doesn't give a damn
For she did not owe him anything at all
He is just another passing fancy without a name
Just someone to pass the time until the fall

Did he seriously think he could control her?
Keep her hands tied, make her wear chastity belt
He's just a nobody who thinks he can own her
Who's just dreaming about a life he'd never felt

She has warned them over and over again
To never judge a book by its look and cover
For looks and appearance can easily deceive
What's hidden between the pages and whatever

For beneath that soft and silky skin
Lies strong bones of steel and wire
And behind that lovely winning smile
Beats a courageous heart of stone and fire

A heart that's capable of breaking a man
When forced to compromise respect and dignity
A smile that can conquer an entire land
And drive a man to his feet to become crazy

So don't you dare to spell and dictate
What you believe is your master line
You're not gonna get her to participate
In your stupid game, for she ain't blind

For she's a paradox of hate and love
A creature born of the passion's fire
She can be soft and demure like a dove
Or sly and passionate with raging desire

Take my advice, be cautious and be careful
When you cross path with such a wonder
For you might lose your head like a fool
And you'd realise it when she's got you under!

- M@t@Maya (© 13-06-2009)


Please free me, unshackle me
Let me fly away to my land of dream
Stop torturing me by letting me
Hanging by my life's thread
I have had enough of you
And you should have enough of me
I have set you free long ago
So stop imprisoning my heart
I am through with our world
Which in fact is only your world
I want to live the rest of my days
With those who love me in all ways
You are too greedy wanting all of me
Yet there was never a time
That I could call yours and mine
Set me free for I'm no longer blind
Take away this chain you've put around me
Unlocked this shackle and let me walk free
Someone else is more deserving of me
Enough of you and your selfish menagerie
Free me...unshackle me.....

- M@t@Maya (© 13-07-2009)


I could smell whiffs of his aftershave
My eyes still closed from the morning ray
And I stretched my hand to reach out for him
Only to find he was not there.....

But it all seems so vivid and so real
I could feel he was there lying next to me
I could sense he was looking upon my face
And I was basking in total glee.......

Then I could hear him whispering into my ears
Telling me that he was mine and I was his
I could feel his warm caress upon my breasts
And I was swathed in total bliss......

What could be more painful than to realize
That it was only a vivid dream
A dream that may not even materialize
Coz I many never even get to see him......

- M@t@Maya (© 19-03-2009)


Forgive me for the hurt that I have caused you
I did not do it on purpose to break your heart
But we've come from two different worlds
Two worlds that are just too far apart
I will always love you no matter where you are
No matter who you will be you will always be with me
For you have succeeded in capturing this little heart
Even if you only dwell in my soul and live in my memory

I may just remain empty for the rest of my life
'Cos I know that my heart is now in your hand
Forgive me for I can’t be your loving and devoted wife
I’ll leave you alone – Be strong for you are a good man
Please don't give up on love though I have to go
Because you deserve so much loving from someone new
Someone who will live to give you much more
Someone who can live forever with you

Please do not be sad, please do not weep
For our love is just like the rose tree
It has too many thorns that prick our hearts
Many obstacles that keep you away from me
Will you say 'goodbye' to me and close this chapter
Of our love story, let it be forgotten soon
Will you promise me to be happy, to be strong
I will be your Sun by day, and at night I'll be your Moon.

- M@t@Maya (© 08-02-2009)

51. DON'T !!

Don't be sad when I can't let you
be a part of my life for it was never
meant to be.....

Don't give up on life when I shut you
away from the door to my heart for my heart
isn't with me.....

Don't shed a tear when I return your love
for your love deserve a better home and I
am not the one.....

Don't waste your words trying so hard
to talk me into receiving your sacred love
that deserves a holy sanctuary....

Don't ever regret what's not meant
to be for you should live and love someone
who loves you in return....

Don't turn back to watch me weep
over a love that's never mine
Go and look elsewhere.....

Don't be afraid of venturing again
even though your heart has been broken
Let it heal and love again....

Don't close your heart to a love
anew for you are still young and should
learn to live on....

Don't ever ever give up on your love
You are the best friend I have ever had
Let us remain so.....

- M@t@Maya (© 26-01-2009)


The loneliness I have to go through tonight
The longing I have for you to be near me
I am barely getting by till tomorrow's day light
Because I want you and I need you so badly

I can't imagine this life without you
I can't imagine waking up tomorrow
If you are not there I know I can't do
I can pull through because I need you

Wonder if you could feel what I'm going through
If your mind's held captive by this too
If your heart is feeling mine blue
Because, for me, I really really need you

I never thought I would feel this way
I never knew that love is such a pain
I needed you then, I need you now, everyday
I don't mind going through this pain again

I love you and I need you tonight
but do you need me and love me, too?
I don't know if you feel this is right
All I know is I love you and I need you

- M@t@Maya (© 08-04-2009)


If I could spin threads of dreams
and weave a cloth of heavens
I would embroider pictures of the stars
and the moon singing angels‘ songs
I would present it to you
To shroud it upon your shoulders
To keep you safe and warm
To shield you from all harm

If I could build a bridge of love
Of cotton candies and rainbow beads
I would build it for you to cross
Over to reach me so that you heal
My longing heart and bring me joy
And in return I make you the happiest
Man in the whole world and galaxy
And I'll be yours until eternity

If I could undo this brocade of life
I would first of all free myself
From all that's tying me down
And I would set myself free
So that I can fly away on eagle's wing
And reach up to the highest heaven
Tied up to you by silver string
Never alone again; free from this longing

If I could return to the beginning of time
And re-write the story of love
I would begin with just me and you
Living the first days in paradise
Listening to the angels' harp
Enjoying every moment living wise
Then I would not have to choose
Between what is good and what to lose

But this is only 'If'.....
And if only things were different then…..

- M@t@Maya (© 03-04-2009)


Will you leave me
with a broken heart
now that I love
You with all of me?

Will you go away
and leave me
to wipe my tears
when I've given my all?

Will you forget me
once you find
success and fame
and I would just die?

Will you stop
calling my name
when you've found
a new love?

Will you no longer
dream of being
with me when
you're awake?

If you will
Then let me go now
when I can still
love you somehow 

- M@t@Maya (© 31-03-2009)


If you don't walk away from me now
Would you be willing to accept me through
And be prepared to be loved by me somehow
because I could fall in love with you

If you don't want to share your life
with me, then you should let me leave you
and be on my way to live my life
because I could fall in love with you

If you don't find any peace within your heart
each time you are with me and I am loving you
You should tell me to stay away from you
because I could fall in love with you

If you don't care for me more than ever
then you should close the door to your heart
and let me stay on the outside
because I could fall in love with you

But if you find in your heart enough love
to share with me till our lives are through
then take me close to you and let me prove
to you that I am falling in love with you

- M@t@Maya (© 08-04-2009)