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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 20 April 2012


As it was when the sun set at the end of a day
Like the darkness when the moon disappeared from the midnight sky
So had been my days without your love
I became a shore without the breaking waves
A tree without its leaves
A garden without its flowers
I was a wasteland dried up and cracking
For, when you left
You also took my laughter and
my smiles and all that’s left are tears
that flood my ‘Angel Eyes’

- M@t@Maya ( © 03-03-2101)


No one else could feel me like you do 
Read me like an open book right through
Everyone else see me for what I'm not
Whereas you could see me for all I've got

Today I remembered you and cried hard
Pouring endless tears down my cheeks
Seeing your images in every place
Feeling hopelessness wherever I peek

I know you could feel my heart in pain
That you could hear even my whispers
As I could feel every beat of your heart
Even though its miles away and we're apart

You touched my life Oh so tenderly
In the briefest moment ever to be felt
Yet you leave this burden so heavily
I've been through tears, heartbreaking hell

I wish I could turn back the hands of time
And re-write a different chapter of love
And be aware of that love can be so blind
And seek the guidance from the God above

You told me that love is not a game
And that to you it's a sacred thing
But now game it is indeed love's name
You've made it worthless into nothing

I bet you're tickled right to the bones
Thinking you've succeeded in fooling me
But that's okay, may God forgive you
I will not forget you till eternity

Living one's life in complete denial
Is living a life of deceit and lies
Life's indeed tribulations and trial
Of guilt and sins and silent cries

I'll continue to love you more each day
Love you true and wish you happiness
I'll cherish your memories in every way
Until the world disappears into nothingness

- M@t@Maya (© 11-06-2009)


It was mine to have and to hold
It was mine to give and share
It was mine to make
It was mine to feel
It was ours in our dreams
It was ours to share
But now 
 these are mere fantasies
Fantasies too far-fetched to reach
Because they were never ours to start with

- M@t@Maya ( © 21-12-2010)


The familiar chill gripping the heart
Like a vice unyielding holding its captive
The tears welling up ready to flow
But were caught frozen like stalactites
The anger that's raging and burning inside
Waiting to break loose to raze like hell
But instead... it ends in a soft whimper
Like that of a puppy lost in a stormy night
It oozes an icy chill of a breezy winter
Only to light up like a candle burning water

This is the moment so dreaded so uninvited
When one receives the news of betrayal
When one finds out about a cheating heart
When one realizes she's been lied to
A feeling that gnawed right into the soul
An anger that could boil meal for a thousand
A wish for vengeance that would survive eonS
The moment when reasons take the backstage
Where irrationality reigns in sovereignty
Like the moment when the candle burns water

- M@t@Maya (© 22-05-2009)


He calls me his 'Angel'
Where he returns to each tiring day
Where he lays his head and takes a nap
Where he rests his heart, come what may

He calls me his 'Love'
To enshroud upon his tired body
To spread like cream over his skin
To savour and drink like wild honey

He calls me his 'Heart'
That beats non-stop to give him life
That holds his lifeblood like no other
Like a friend, a companion or even a wife

He calls me his 'Sugar'
That flavours his sepia days
Leaving lingering sweetness on his lips
Giving him strength in whatever ways

I thank God for this gift of a man
Who lets me share his world of care
Who loves me purely for who I am
And who promises me he'll always be there

- M@t@Maya (© 22-05-2009)