My photo
"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 14 February 2014


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Today's got to be the bluest day for me
A day when lovers exchange their promises and love
Of red roses, chocolates, cupcakes and candy
Of requests for blessings from God above

Where ever I go RED colors the walls and places
Roses blooms line the five-foot way
Beauties in red stiletto heels and dresses
But for me it's just BLUE and dismay

Have I become a face of a mere stranger?
Have I become an object of yesterday?
Have I become a thing of history?
This cold, sad and blue Valentine's Day!

This Valentine Day is a time of reckoning
I learned the pain of being unappreciated
The humiliation of being forgotten
And of presence no longer wanted

With today's Blue Valentine Day I vow
To no longer wait or expect from another
To no longer be taken for granted
For there's no such thing as 'forever'

Have a BLUE Valentine's Day!

- © M@t@Maya, 14 February 2014

Friday 7 February 2014


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture)

Suatu ketika dahulu
akulah Puterimu
yang kau manjakan
dengan kasih nan ayu
Akulah mahkotamu
yang kau letakkan
di atas kepalamu
Akulah permata hatimu
yang kau genggam
bagitu teguh
Akulah bintangmu
yang menerangi
malam gelapmu
Akulah Sang Suriamu
yang memancar
memanaskan duniamu
Tetapi sekarang
aku hanya patung
yang bernyawa
mengikut putaran masa
Aku hanya insan
biasa yang merana
ketandusan nasib
dirundung malang
Bagaikan negara
hilang rajanya
Bagaikan kapal
hilang nakhodanya
Bagaikan malam
gelap tampa cahaya
Aku hanya cangkerang
yang kehilangan maya
setelah engkau pergi
tampa kata-kata

- © M@t@Maya 07 February 2014

Thursday 16 January 2014


(Credits and appreciation to the owner of this picture
Written on behalf of Nella))

Darkness loomed 
over my head
and air seemed 
to have thinned down
and the walls seemed 
to close upon me
life slowly withdrew 
from my body

I needed support 
to lean on
I needed light 
to get through
I needed words 
as comfort
I needed love
I needed you

When I had given 
all of my trust
and almost all 
of my life to him
he walked away 
and left me to die
to mourn his loss 
in such grim

Then you came by
like a faint breeze
blowing sense into
my tired mind
and you picked up
the pieces of
my broken heart
and made it whole

Now you're also gone
leaving me broken
like I was before
but even worse
because I thought
you'd stay a little 
longer if not

And here I am
nursing a broken heart
and a wretched soul
dragging myself to
continue my journey of life 
and to cherish your gift 
of a beauitful child -
your son

- © M@t@Maya (16 January 2014)