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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Sunday 10 June 2012


I am walking away 
I am leaving you behind 
I shall not look back 
Nor shall I pass this way again 
You will become my yesterday 
And you won’t share my tomorrow 
Our lives are too different 
We’ve nothing in common 
My world is wide and well travelled 
Yours is small and closer to home 
My life is riddled with pain and pleasure 
Yours is enclosed under a nut shell 
My heart has been overjoyed 
As many times as it has been broken 
And I do not want any more hurt 
So stay away from me and let me be 
For I am content to be on my own 
You belong with your family 
Don’t forsake them for your own 
Over indulgence and mortal pleasure 

- M@t@Maya (© 25052010)

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