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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 28 September 2012


Close your eyes and hold my hands 
I will guide you to the place 
Where birds sing in colours 
And the wind trails are angels' songs 
Where the sun sets in gold 
And the sea lay still as if in sleep 
Feel the cool autumn breeze 
Blowing jasmine scents in your hair 
You are going with me to my love nest 
Feel the winds beneath your wings 
The moistened clouds brushing your lips 
You are mine and I am yours in this 
Lost paradise of broken dreams and vows 
But we're going to fix it right 
With our love so sacred and pure 
Love that was born when time was nothing 
But which has thrived through all 
The calamities of this troubled Earth 
Such is our love upon which our souls 
Fly for eons over the distant stars 
My love for you is so deep and sacred 
A sheer curtain shrouding the Earth 
I know I've loved you long ago before time 
And I am loving you now, and I will love you 
Tomorrow, the day after, and forever more 
And no one will love you like this ever 
Close your eyes and just let me take you 
To that place where love doesn't die 
Where hearts don't break and where souls 
Are free....just follow me, Je t'aime 
For this is a one-way trip, my Heart 
This is a journey of no return.....

- M@t@Maya (© 31-03-2009)