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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Tuesday 23 October 2012

131. LAST NIGHT....

Last night while you were sleeping 
I pulled up the cover to make sure 
that you were always warm and comfortable....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I sat quietly and watched 
your eyes fluttering in dreams....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I kissed your forehead and told myself 
how lucky I was to have you by my side....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I brushed away the wisps of hair from your face 
and reminded myself how much I love you....
Last night while you were sleeping 
I listened to the soft sound of your calm breathing 
and I thanked God for the gift of you....
Last night as I sat watching you sleep 
I prayed to The Almighty to grant me this privilege 
of meeting you, knowing you, being with you 
and loving you until eternity
only then, could I lay myself beside you 
and close my eyes to sleep. 
Good night my love, 
let us rest our weary bodies and tired mind....

- M@t@Maya (© 20-10-2010)

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