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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Was it yesterday 
that you held my hands 
kissed them 
then laid them on your heart? 
Was it yesterday 
that you brushed my hair 
away from my face 
so that I could see you?
Yet why does it seem 
so long ago like some
ancient memories from 
some unknown time? 

Have I lost my sense of time 
or have I grown 
so dependent upon you 
even for my breath? 
Have I turned into this puppet 
of a person that
comes to life upon the movement 
of your fingers? 
Yet my mind dreams to fly 
and traverse the skies 
My soul yearns to break free 
and touch the stars 

And my heart wants 
to walk into the evening sun 
Where as my psyche 
tells me that I should stay

- © M@t@Maya 05 February 2013

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