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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Saturday 2 March 2013


We combed the meadows
ran across the fields of flowers
strolled upon the sandy beaches
jet set in the skies
walked along the river banks
Always together
So in love
in love

Then like lightning bolt strike
you were gone from my side
you vanished from my sight
and I was like a lost child
crying out for you
wanting you
to come
to me

Gone is my world with you
Gone is the sound of laughter
that used to ring in the air
for with you all is gone
and I'm still wondering
if it was just a dream
only a dream
a dream

Now I know that nothing lasts
I know that nothing stays
For all things are just
transient in nature
only here on Earth
and I shall never
believe again
in love

Love comes and goes like
the flowers we touched in the meadows
like the winds that blew through our hair
like the sands upon those beaches
like the pebbles in those rivers
like the light of the day
like the shadows
all gone away

 - © M@t@Maya 02 March 2013

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