My photo
"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 24 May 2013

148. CHILD.....

(Appreciation to Donald Zola, the painter of this beautiful painting)
My child,
wasn't it only yesterday that
I held you
to suckle at my breast
to satisfy your thirst?

My child,
wasn't it only yesterday
that I bathed you
and cleaned your tiny body
and washed your wisps of fine hair?

My child,
wasn't it yesterday that
I baked your first birthday cake
and placed some icing sugar
on your tiny nose?

Oh...how time has passed by
flying fast like an eagle
leaving me behind
clinging to dear moments
and not wanting to let go

now that you've grown
leaving this emptiness in me
like an empty nest
in silence

yours are now excitement
greeting new days
Mine, just this sadness
and loneliness

no matter where you are
those precious memories
and this undying love
will always be with me

- © M@t@Maya 24 May 2013

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