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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 20 April 2012


The familiar chill gripping the heart
Like a vice unyielding holding its captive
The tears welling up ready to flow
But were caught frozen like stalactites
The anger that's raging and burning inside
Waiting to break loose to raze like hell
But instead... it ends in a soft whimper
Like that of a puppy lost in a stormy night
It oozes an icy chill of a breezy winter
Only to light up like a candle burning water

This is the moment so dreaded so uninvited
When one receives the news of betrayal
When one finds out about a cheating heart
When one realizes she's been lied to
A feeling that gnawed right into the soul
An anger that could boil meal for a thousand
A wish for vengeance that would survive eonS
The moment when reasons take the backstage
Where irrationality reigns in sovereignty
Like the moment when the candle burns water

- M@t@Maya (© 22-05-2009)

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