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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Monday 23 April 2012


In my darkest hour the night was long
When fireflies hid and no cicada song
And the Moon refused to lend it’s light
That was the time I thought I had died

Not a single screech from the cricket heard
Nor the chirping of the nightingale bird
Not a slightest breath of the night breeze
Nor a brush of my lover’s kiss

Then came forth light, a ray from above
Breaking through the clouds like a search light
Bringing hope and bringing love
Breathing new life into the dead night

Suddenly the wind was blowing
The clouds began to clear away
I knew that was my new beginning
That God had given me another day

- M@t@Maya ( © 28-04-2010)

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