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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Saturday 23 June 2012


As he sat opposite her 
At the dining table 
He handed her a single rose
Red as the ruby gemstone 
Bound by yellow gold 
That fit snugly around 
Her slender ring finger 
She accepted the rose 
With a smile and both hands 
Her heart beating wildly 
As she waited for his words 
Then in the midst of her ecstasy 
He dropped a single word 
‘Goodbye’ and three large
Tears rolled down her cheeks 
Dripped silently upon 
The blushing red petals 
Of the single rose


He was gone

- M@t@Maya (© 06-05-2010)

Friday 22 June 2012


Sitting at Starbucks sipping coffee 
Or walking along Oxford Street 
Never fails to evoke sweet memory 
Of my dearest friend, ForeVer Habibi
Driving along Doha's Corniche 
Watching the sea so calm and still 
Remembering someone special in my heart
Longing to hear his voice so thrill 
Recalling a funny incident 
When 'Habibi' tried to jump onto his bed 
And fell down groping in the dark 
Cutting his chin, luckily not his head 
I often smile as I remember 
The stories we shared that bygone day 
I miss 'Habibi' telling me stuff 
In his excited, funny and honest way 

You know, I never fail to say 
A prayer to petition to Him 
To keep 'Habibi' well everyday 
To fulfil each and all his dreams 
'Habibi', I feel empty and lost 
When you decided to stay away 
But I'll keep your memory uppermost 
In my mind till my dying day 
Thank you, 'Habibi' for being YOU 
For crossing the path of my destiny 
For teaching me the meaning of LIFE 
For ever sharing your LOVE with me 
Someone remembers, someone cares 
Someone dreams about you, someone smiles 
Because you have left your footprints there 
Deeply imprinted in my heart for miles 

Take care, 'Habibi', be safe be well 
For I'll be worried if you're in pain 
Keep cool, be kind to your body and mind 
And if God wills it, you'll hear from me again 

- M@t@Maya ( © 22-05-2009)


Take my hand and let me bring you into my life 
Let me love you with all my heart 
And cherish you with all my care 
Take my hand and let me show you my world 
Let me bring you all the joy 
And treat you nice with all I have there 
Take my hand and let me share my happiness 
Let me adore you day and night 
And let you feel my closeness to you 
Only then you will know how much 
I Love you……….. 

- M@t@Maya ( © 06052010)


I long to feel your touch 
Your fingers running through my hair 
I long to hear you voice 
Whispering ‘I love you’ each night 
I long to smell your hair 
And the aftershave you used each day 
I long to feel your hug 
That wrapped around me so tight 
I long to watch the sunset 
And our walk by the corniche 
I long for you my dearest one 
I am missing you so much 

- M@t@Maya ( © 06052010)

Sunday 10 June 2012


I would like to sit under the night skies 
And watch the stars’ flickering lights 
Sitting close to you Oh so nice! 
Feeling your arms holding me tight 

I would like to sit and feel the night breeze 
With smell of the sea and fresh jasmine 
Savouring your caress and lingering kiss 
Weakening my bones and teasing my skin 

The stars they shine just like your eyes 
You brought me joy you brought me love 
You opened my heart and made me wise 
You are a gift from God above 

- M@t@Maya (© 01062010)


I am walking away 
I am leaving you behind 
I shall not look back 
Nor shall I pass this way again 
You will become my yesterday 
And you won’t share my tomorrow 
Our lives are too different 
We’ve nothing in common 
My world is wide and well travelled 
Yours is small and closer to home 
My life is riddled with pain and pleasure 
Yours is enclosed under a nut shell 
My heart has been overjoyed 
As many times as it has been broken 
And I do not want any more hurt 
So stay away from me and let me be 
For I am content to be on my own 
You belong with your family 
Don’t forsake them for your own 
Over indulgence and mortal pleasure 

- M@t@Maya (© 25052010)


Here I am, standing at the edge of time
Counting hours till the awaited moment
When my life shall be reviewed for crime
Of mortal weakness and eternal torment

Is it now too late to redeem my soul
To cleanse my body of mortal sins
To get back my life and a heart of gold
And be the Temple of God within?

Here I am , out in the cold wintery night
Wondering if there’s reason to go on
If there’s a way to make things all right
And live a new life, the past be bygone

Would He be willing to forgive my wrong
To forget my arrogance and materialistic ways
Would He help me get up and let me be strong
To charter another journey till the end of my days

Here I am, a mortal wreck trying to rebuild
A better life anew
An ordinary being, trying to mend my ways
And what about you?

- M@t@Maya ( © 29042010)