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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 4 April 2013


It must have been the longest wait
A wait that no clock can measure
A wait till the Twelfth of Never
My wait for you

You left without saying goodbye
No notes nor mails to read
But the traces you left

Seems like yesterday that I heard
the sounds of your laughter
the footsteps you made
the sighs of relief

Yet you're not with me any more
You're no longer here by me
No more loving hugs
No more kisses

All that's left of you are memories
that keep filling my thoughts
and questions on why
it had to be you

If only I could rewind the scenes
If only I could re-live my life
I'd have lived it with you
like each day's the last

Wherever you are or wherever you may be
Don't take away these memories
They're all I have to keep
in this long long wait

- © M@t@Maya (04 April 2013)

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