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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 20 September 2012


You came into my life like a flash of lightning 
So fast, so sharp, so hot, so intense with love 
Then, like a flame extinguished by pouring rain 
You vanished into ashes disappearing from above 

You came into my heart like a thief in a quiet night 
And steal away all that is there in my heart's content
Then, like a thief you slipped away with all of me 
Never to be heard again................ 

You came into my mind like a cancerous growth 
That slowly invaded every cell of my memory 
Then, like fire burning upon a piece of wood 
You left glowing amber that burns deep inside of me 

You came into my life uninvited like a fly so loathed 
So hated, yet you pushed your way into my space 
And shook my cosy little nest with your promises 
Which are now but lies upon lies that have become waste 

I HATE every inch of you for your lies and empty promises 
For wrecking my trust in thee and for hurting me 
I HATE you with all my heart for as long as I shall live
You.........I shall never ever forgive.......................... 

-- M@t@Maya (© 28-02-2009)