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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 20 September 2012


Do you know how difficult it is
for me to love you while trying to remain sane?
Do you know how painful it is 
for me to please you while compromising my principles?
Do you know how heavy it is
for me to carry the burden of guilt just to be with you?
Do you know how tiresome it is
for me to keep up with your desires and temper tantrums?
Do you know how tempting it is
for me to just leave the comfort of my world for your arms?
Do you know how surprising it is
for someone like me to fall for you and your so ordinary life?
Do you know how hard it is
for me to convince myself that I can live my life without you?
Do you know how easy it is
for me to become so angry at you for always taking me for granted?
Do you know how often it is
for me to just think of letting go of this tiring, demanding relationship?
Do you know how frustrating it is
for me to continue sacrificing my patience, 
my sanity and most of all, my life?
Just for the sake of YOUR LOVE....if that is what this is all about!
I don't think you know even for the slightest moment......

- M@t@Maya (© 04-01-2009)