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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Tuesday 17 April 2012


LOVE is so FRAGILE....
fragile as the snow flake that falls and gets caught upon a frozen leaf....
one touch, it's gone...

Love is as whimsical as the night breeze....
a soft and silent blow….
as silky thread falling upon a maiden's cheek...

Love was not meant to last for me....
just like a night of full moon....
gone as the sun rises...

Love was fickle....
just like a child presented with many candies....
keeps changing his mind about which one to take...

Love is like a dying swan that has been wounded upon it's chest....
so lost in the pain….
that it feels no fear of death...

LOVE comes…and LOVE goes....
and there you go, too, leaving me with a heart ….
that no longer believes in LOVE...

Alone again......

- M@t@Maya (© 04-01-2011)

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