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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Saturday 21 April 2012


My soul has travelled the universe in search
Of a Soul Mate to make my life complete
Travelled the suns and moons and planets
To look for love within a heart that'll bleed.....

A heart that'll bleed at the sight and thought of me
A heart that'll promise love infinite
Through thick and thin through rain or shine
For I have searched long and wide.......

For eons have I travelled in search
And eons more I will continue to look
Until my heart's desires are fulfilled
I must find him by hook or by crook.....

I will search and I will look in every nook and corner
Where are you my heart's desire, my soul's provider
My love unmatched, my mind's robber, my body's on fire
Unmasked yourself and show me who you are.....

- M@t@Maya (© 07-02-2009)

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