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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 28 September 2012


Close your eyes and hold my hands 
I will guide you to the place 
Where birds sing in colours 
And the wind trails are angels' songs 
Where the sun sets in gold 
And the sea lay still as if in sleep 
Feel the cool autumn breeze 
Blowing jasmine scents in your hair 
You are going with me to my love nest 
Feel the winds beneath your wings 
The moistened clouds brushing your lips 
You are mine and I am yours in this 
Lost paradise of broken dreams and vows 
But we're going to fix it right 
With our love so sacred and pure 
Love that was born when time was nothing 
But which has thrived through all 
The calamities of this troubled Earth 
Such is our love upon which our souls 
Fly for eons over the distant stars 
My love for you is so deep and sacred 
A sheer curtain shrouding the Earth 
I know I've loved you long ago before time 
And I am loving you now, and I will love you 
Tomorrow, the day after, and forever more 
And no one will love you like this ever 
Close your eyes and just let me take you 
To that place where love doesn't die 
Where hearts don't break and where souls 
Are free....just follow me, Je t'aime 
For this is a one-way trip, my Heart 
This is a journey of no return.....

- M@t@Maya (© 31-03-2009)

Thursday 27 September 2012


God, help me, I am falling
Falling so hard and so deep
I'm afraid I would crash
Out of control......

God, my heart is racing
Racing so fast and loud
I'm scared I would die
Before touching him....

God, my head is spinning
Till my eyes couldn't see
I'm so dizzy I would fall
Even more in love.....

God, give me your hand
Guide me on this journey
I'm scared I would lose
My way to him......

God, I wish he knows
Just how much I feel
How much I love him
Like I've never been....

God, I know You know
How much I wanna be
With him right now
I wish he's with me....

God, help me cos I'm falling
This time too far below
I can't return
To where I was before...

Help me, God, help me to cope
Help me to contain these feelings
Help me from falling further
For I must not be.......

- M@t@Maya (© 25-03-2009)

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Our love….So natural 
Like the morning dew

So beautiful 
Like a coloured glass bead 

So fragile 
Like a tiny crystal ball 

So transient 
Like the wind 

So hard to hold on to
Like a dream 

So brief 
Like a wink of an eye 

Yet so hard to forget 
And so painful to remember……. 

- M@t@Maya © 26-09-2012

Thursday 20 September 2012

127. DON'T TELL ME!!

For someone who imagines he can OWN me.....

Hey! You! 
Don't you ever tell me what to do any more
for I am tired of you trying to run every show for me
I am not an invalid and as for now I am still capable
Of running MY LIFE the way I WANT to and HOW it pleases me
Stop acting as if you know everything in this and my world
You know nothing about me and where I come from 
and much more I am not used to being controlled, 
being 'managed', being told
I have been managing me, deciding for me, 
doing what pleases me since I was capable of doing so, 
so PLEASE be reminded that I am ME.

Let me just tell you that I don't like to be constrained
That I love freedom and I will choose what I want to do and who 
I would like to be by my side in my quest for a better tomorrow 
Don't restrain me for you will only suffocate me 
and leave me with no choice but to push you away from me 
so I have my own space and privacy
Stop what you are doing and live your life your own way 
and leave me alone to chart the rest of my journey to my destiny, 
for I don't want you to tell me what to do
as I have enough of you and I want you to find your own destiny
I am who I am, I don't want to be changed by anyone
I will change because of ME alone. 

Get it?? 

- M@t@Maya (© 01-09-2008)


Do you know how difficult it is
for me to love you while trying to remain sane?
Do you know how painful it is 
for me to please you while compromising my principles?
Do you know how heavy it is
for me to carry the burden of guilt just to be with you?
Do you know how tiresome it is
for me to keep up with your desires and temper tantrums?
Do you know how tempting it is
for me to just leave the comfort of my world for your arms?
Do you know how surprising it is
for someone like me to fall for you and your so ordinary life?
Do you know how hard it is
for me to convince myself that I can live my life without you?
Do you know how easy it is
for me to become so angry at you for always taking me for granted?
Do you know how often it is
for me to just think of letting go of this tiring, demanding relationship?
Do you know how frustrating it is
for me to continue sacrificing my patience, 
my sanity and most of all, my life?
Just for the sake of YOUR LOVE....if that is what this is all about!
I don't think you know even for the slightest moment......

- M@t@Maya (© 04-01-2009)


I heard the sound of your voice
and saw words tumbling out in colours
of a rainbow crossing the skies 
soon after a sunny showers 

Was it a dream or was it for real
that husky voice speaking of love
Oh God, I can't understand what I feel
Is this thy blessings from above? 

How can someone loves so much
Can a heart bear all the passion
that I have for you and you for me
Is this a figment of my imagination? 

How beautiful a love can be
Blue is the colour when you're away
Yellow is the colour of your smiles
Red is our love for each other everyday 

God, please don't take away
the beautiful colours of my life...... 

- M@t@Maya (© 26-03-2009)


You came into my life like a flash of lightning 
So fast, so sharp, so hot, so intense with love 
Then, like a flame extinguished by pouring rain 
You vanished into ashes disappearing from above 

You came into my heart like a thief in a quiet night 
And steal away all that is there in my heart's content
Then, like a thief you slipped away with all of me 
Never to be heard again................ 

You came into my mind like a cancerous growth 
That slowly invaded every cell of my memory 
Then, like fire burning upon a piece of wood 
You left glowing amber that burns deep inside of me 

You came into my life uninvited like a fly so loathed 
So hated, yet you pushed your way into my space 
And shook my cosy little nest with your promises 
Which are now but lies upon lies that have become waste 

I HATE every inch of you for your lies and empty promises 
For wrecking my trust in thee and for hurting me 
I HATE you with all my heart for as long as I shall live
You.........I shall never ever forgive.......................... 

-- M@t@Maya (© 28-02-2009)

Monday 17 September 2012

123. JUST ME

Why did you look for me? 

Why are you still looking for me? 

For I have nothing but just me 

No wealth, not title nor rank 

Just a person in this ailing society 

I possess no land, nor any property 

No strings of credentials 

from prestigious academy. 

I have nothing to offer to those 

looking for worldly pleasures 

I believe in simplicity and honesty 

I have no money nor fancy cars 

No boats to sail nor jet planes to fly 

What I have I share with the world 

God-given nature, the sea and sky 

For I...

have only me…..

Just me. 

- M@t@maya (© 17-09-2012)

Thursday 6 September 2012


Trust not the TONGUE…..

It can promise you the World 
So can it break you apart 
It can promise you LOVE eternal 
Then break your tender HEART

- M@t@Maya ( © 05-10-2010)