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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Wednesday 18 April 2012


You put me up on a pedestal
Like a newly won trophy I was adored
Then, like most trophies won of dreams
I was pushed away to the corner, bored

Like a trophy I was admired and loved
But like an old trophy I was then tucked away
Then in an old cupboard I was hidden
Awaiting the right time, the end to my stay

Life high up there can be painful and lonely
Hard to reach and easy to wreck and fall
Adored for elegance, deportment and beauty
Cursed for want of loving care…..that’s all

Oh! Stop putting me up on high
Enough of exalting me like I’m a goddess
I don’t need fancy words and sweet lies
Just be genuine, be real , be honest!!

Because….that’s all I want from you…..

- M@t@Maya (© 25-05-2011)

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