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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 26 April 2012


Life itself is a journey
A trip where we get on board
A vessel traversing the years
Till we come to the end of the road

There are times in our lives
When everything seems to fail
When nothing seems to go right
When living is just horrible hell

Sometimes life is so hard to live
Road full of rocks and prickly thorns
So little to receive and more to give
A journey predestined before we're born

At times when there seems no where to go
One feels like ending this painful life
But our lives aren't ours to bargain for
But God's to help Him through this strife

Have you reach the end of your road
Or just at the crossroad to no where
Remember! The end is but a beginning
To a new life that's waiting over there!

- M@t@Maya ( © 11-06-2009)

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