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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 19 April 2012


If I could spin threads of dreams
and weave a cloth of heavens
I would embroider pictures of the stars
and the moon singing angels‘ songs
I would present it to you
To shroud it upon your shoulders
To keep you safe and warm
To shield you from all harm

If I could build a bridge of love
Of cotton candies and rainbow beads
I would build it for you to cross
Over to reach me so that you heal
My longing heart and bring me joy
And in return I make you the happiest
Man in the whole world and galaxy
And I'll be yours until eternity

If I could undo this brocade of life
I would first of all free myself
From all that's tying me down
And I would set myself free
So that I can fly away on eagle's wing
And reach up to the highest heaven
Tied up to you by silver string
Never alone again; free from this longing

If I could return to the beginning of time
And re-write the story of love
I would begin with just me and you
Living the first days in paradise
Listening to the angels' harp
Enjoying every moment living wise
Then I would not have to choose
Between what is good and what to lose

But this is only 'If'.....
And if only things were different then…..

- M@t@Maya (© 03-04-2009)

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