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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 19 April 2012


Did he seriously think that she would care?
That she would cry till all her tear runs dry
Did he imagine that she would sit and mourn?
Like there's no more moon and sun in the sky

Well, she doesn't...honestly doesn't give a damn
For she did not owe him anything at all
He is just another passing fancy without a name
Just someone to pass the time until the fall

Did he seriously think he could control her?
Keep her hands tied, make her wear chastity belt
He's just a nobody who thinks he can own her
Who's just dreaming about a life he'd never felt

She has warned them over and over again
To never judge a book by its look and cover
For looks and appearance can easily deceive
What's hidden between the pages and whatever

For beneath that soft and silky skin
Lies strong bones of steel and wire
And behind that lovely winning smile
Beats a courageous heart of stone and fire

A heart that's capable of breaking a man
When forced to compromise respect and dignity
A smile that can conquer an entire land
And drive a man to his feet to become crazy

So don't you dare to spell and dictate
What you believe is your master line
You're not gonna get her to participate
In your stupid game, for she ain't blind

For she's a paradox of hate and love
A creature born of the passion's fire
She can be soft and demure like a dove
Or sly and passionate with raging desire

Take my advice, be cautious and be careful
When you cross path with such a wonder
For you might lose your head like a fool
And you'd realise it when she's got you under!

- M@t@Maya (© 13-06-2009)

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