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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Monday 16 April 2012


Like a the soft and gentle breeze
Like a whisper into my ears
Like a warm tender breath upon my face
You have come into my life.....

Careful as a child's first step
Gentle as the autumn wind
Quiet as the moonless night
You have mended my broken heart..... 

Endless as the spacious sky
Tireless as the crushing waves
Fearless as the warrior king
You have been so patient with me....

Joyful I am for your existence
Thankful I am for your persistence
Grateful I am for your resistance
To my continuous denial of all that is you…

How will I ever pay you back
For your kindness and generosity
For the joy and laughter you brought to me
For now my heart has begun to heal and feel again......

- M@t@Maya (© 07-02-2009)