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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Monday 16 April 2012


You cannot imagine how great it feels
to breathe in the same air as you do
to walk on the same street you walk
and to drink a cup of coffee for two

Here am I seeing you every where
hearing your voice all around me
smelling your cologne as if you're there
sitting on a chair drinking my coffee

Wish I've the guts to give you a call
and tell you that I am here all alone
longing to meet you even if just this once
before our paths part ways and all is gone

You know that special place in my heart?
It's still empty since you've been gone
I don't wanna let anyone find it to stay
I'd rather keep it that way and be all alone

Here comes the waiter with coffee for two

One black no sugar, the other sweet and white
One cup made for me, another one for you
Each diluted with my tears on this lonely night

I come this time to bid you goodbye
To wish you luck and all the best
To finish the story and end this cry
To close the final chapter and let it rest

A cup of coffee fresh from my heart
A closure to the love that once flourished
A parting gift now we're indeed apart
An end to a story that's untimely finished

- M@t@Maya (© 26-05-2009)