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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Tuesday 1 May 2012


His name is carved in my memory forever 
His face is etched permanently in my mind 
His eyes seek deep into my soul 
His voice forever rings in my ears 
His smiles melt my entire being 
His kisses make my heart skip its beat 
His touch sends my mind reeling 
His promises could wrap the Earth tenths of times over 
These are the very things that made me love him. 
BUT, at times................... 
His actions prompted me to ask, why him? 
His yearnings peek the heavens 
His possessiveness is on the brink of jealousy 
His desires overwhelm and could drown me 
His requests from me would strip me of all my principles 
His words cut like a knife, deep into my very soul 
What he said made me cry a million tear drops 
He said I always receive and never give, but I know its otherwise 
And all I ask of him is to bask in the sunshine of my love 
But this isn't enough for him; so now...what am I supposed to do? 
To forget him or to leave him, I can never do, 'cos everything about him 
Is carved, etched, ingrained, imprinted into THE EPITAPH OF MY LOVE 
But this love I have for him is burning and consuming me day by day 
And I am afraid that one day I'll be reduced to nothingness............... 

 - M@t@Maya (© 29-07-2008)

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