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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Tuesday 1 May 2012

88. WHAT DO I DO......

What do I do with all the memories of us 
that keep haunting my weary mind 
and that just refuse to go away? 
What do I do with all the traces you left 
on shores of my tired heart 
that become embedded so deep? 
What do I do with the stark reminders 
that you've been here in my life 
that keep popping up everywhere I go? 
What do I do with my long nights 
when your face keep appearing in my dreams 
and reminding me of those times we had? 
What do I do with all your pictures 
that have graced the pages of my life 
that have now been imprinted there? 
What do I do with your gifts of words 
that I have cherished since time exists 
and had become my daily creed? 
What do I do to forget you forever? 


- M@t@Maya (© 22-03-2010)

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