My photo
"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Friday 11 May 2012


(Courtesy and appreciation to Xiamen YD Oil Painting art Co., Ltd)
Good bye Venice, gone are the days I grieve for you 
For I have found a love anew where I'll place my heart 
And leave it to feel the shower of a love anew 
Conte partiro, though I love you, now it's time to part 

Good bye Venice, I have loved you with all of me 
Till there is none for me to carry on my life 
Though you had always been my secret dream and fantasy 
I am leaving you for better place and better strife 

Good bye Venice, thank you for all the sweet romance 
But I cannot live on romance alone for I need more to go on 
Soon my heart will be strong again to explore new land 
And it is time for you to forget me and soon I'll be gone 

Good bye Venice, thank you for receiving me with all your heart 
Now I have nothing else to say except to leave you.....and depart 

- M@t@Maya (© 21012009)

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Today I come to a realization 
that no matter what I do,
it will not change the circumstances 
concerning our relationship.
You keep asking for more, 
not thinking once how I feel.
You tell me that you love me, 
that you need me.
But you only remember me 
and come to me 
only when you need me.
I keep yielding to your whims and fancies, 
and in the process 
I keep hurting myself, 
burdening myself with anger, 
pain and sorrow.

I can no longer allow myself to be used by anyone,
not even by you, whom I have chosen to love.
So, starting today 
I am picking up the pieces of what
will become tomorrow's memories, 
and although they have been
carved, etched, ingrained, imprinted 
on to the 
Epitaph Of My Love
I will bury this stone epitaph deep in my heart,
where no one can touch it, 
and time will help me to forget it's existence.
So, even though I have chosen to love you forever, 
I will forget you when the 
Sands Of Time 
have covered the memories of you,
and buried them forever 
in my past.........

- M@t@Maya (©17-03-2009)


They say that ETERNITY is a long long time 
But ETERNITY does not belong to TIME 
And TIME cannot match ETERNITY 
ETERNITY is forever 

To me, ETERNITY is that moment you touched my heart 
With such sweet sorrow and tender feelings 
That which I called a moment seemed to last a hundred if not thousand years 
Yet, how can it be an ETERNITY when all it took was a blink of an eye…….. 

I wish that being with you lasted an ETERNITY 
So that I know not the feeling and the pain of a heartbreak 
But when I had to let you go, the pain of separation last forever 
For an entire lifetime 


- M@t@Maya (© 11.11.11)

103. GREY.....

Grey…everything that I see 
With tearful and swollen eyes
Bleak…as if there’s no tomorrow 
When all the love dies 

Empty…that familiar old feeling 
As it is when void has taken over 
Weak…is the beating of this old heart 
Tired from the hurt that never gets better 

Thick…is the air that I breathe 
Filled with the anger that seethes 
Inside me waiting to be freed at the 
Slightest provocation, as light as the breeze 

Hot…is the raging fire that burns so deep 
Within my heart eager to settle this overdue 
Dispute and betrayal that eats into my soul 
And turns me into this monster out to get YOU 

For you had dared to break my heart 
Drown my hope, crush my dreams and take 
Away the only thing that matters to me...
My dignity

 - M@t@Maya (© 17-05-2011)


A shade of grey fleeting by my sleepy eyes
A whiff of an after-shave borne by the breeze
A soft caress on my cheek was indeed a surprise
A whisper of a word in my ear brought me peace

A face appeared in the dark recess of my mind
Somewhat familiar yet not recognized
A face that I've seen some where some time
Some how and some day I'll see in my life

An image that invoke warm tender feelings
A picture that tugged the line to my heart
A memory of the past that didn't want to be forgotten
A dream that reminded of a love torn apart

That was the FACE that keeps appearing
In a dream that keeps on occurring

- M@t@Maya (© 06-04-2010)


Ours are two hearts on fire
Burning bright like distant stars
Two bodies savoured by common desire
I am your Venus and you are my Mars
Ours are two souls of burning amber
burning deep in the cold windy night
consuming all our passion forever
lighting the skies in starlight bright
Ours are two minds working in tandem
brilliant sparks of colliding stars
A perfect match made in the heavens
Separable by no one, nothing, not even wars
Ours are two bodies - the Yin and Yang
Moulded out of finest treasures on Earth
Fitted to be together like a jigsaw puzzle
Separated by gender, by time and birth
Two hearts on fire burning with desire
Two minds collided to fuse into one
Two souls reunited like burning amber
Two bodies so passionate with love undone

- M@t@Maya (© 31-03-2009)


Take away this thirst I have 
Bring me the wine I'm craving for 
The only drink that would pacify me 
My thirst has been for thousand years 
Like a desert land I am parched and dry 
Pour on me your sweetest wine - fill me up 
Till I am spent and all the troubles 
Of this world are gone..... 
For you are a fine wine to me 
And I thirst so much for you 

- M@t@Maya (© 30-03-2009)


I miss you
I miss your closeness
I miss your hand holding mine 
I miss your arms holding me tight 
I miss your fingers touching my face 
I miss you inhaling the fragrance of my hair 
I miss you telling me how much you loved me 
I miss you whispering my name over and over 
I miss your laughter each time I cracked a joke 
I miss your voice that keeps echoing in my mind 
I miss your chest where I hid my face from the sun 
I miss your eyes that seemed never tired of adoring me 
I miss your hugs that gave me such comfort and assurance 
I miss your shoulder where I rested my head tired from driving 
And most of all, I miss your kisses, for they were like none before 
And I just want to tell you that I am so sorry to have kept you away 
Because, the simple truth is, no matter how hard I tried, I cannot bear 
The separation any more, and I need you, want you, beg you to come 
And take me away with you
With you

- M@t@Maya (© 31-10-2010)


How could I have loved him so much, now that I hate him to the point 
that I wish that he rot and burn in the bottomless pit for eternity?
How is it possible that I am so angry with him for betraying my love 
and now wish that he could feel what I had felt when he broke my being 
when, at one time, he was enthroned in my heart and had his name 
laced upon my lips so that each time I licked them I would swallow 
his soul bit by bit to become one with me? 

How could I be hating him so much now that I keep wishing that the sun 
never rise for him so that he gropes in total darkness for the remainder 
of his days as punishment for him for forsaking me and my purest love? 
How could it had been him that my heart chose to beat for, for which my eyes 
chose to pour out futile tears, upon which my lips chose to lay kisses 
now that I think of him as the most vile and filthy thing
that I have come across my entire life? 

But for as long as my heart still beats, as long as my eyes still cry tears, 
as long as my mind still plays the memory of those days I had with him, 
as long as he still walks on this earth, I will wish him joy, 
then wish him pain, praise him then despise him, pray for him, then condemn him.
I am still so mad with him for loving me the way he did, 
then forcing me to leave him, because I had no other choice, 
because I hate him for taking away the only love I ever had in my heart. 

- M@t@Maya (© 01-05-2010) 

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Now I could only look back 
To yesterday 
Unable to touch it 
Unable to change it 
Either grateful 
Or regretting it 
For that is all 
Yesterday is about 
It is the past 
And it shall not return 
Such is my love for you 
Only a distant memory 
Which I now see 
As a tiny flicker of light 
Like a dying star 
For you now belong 
To my PAST 

- M@t@Maya (© 17-01-2011)


Sitting here alone in the middle of no where 
I’m tired of this charade and lots of "I couldn’t care" 
What has happened to this weary world of ours 
There’s war, hunger, untimely death at all hours 

The world is now at a cross road 
To live on or die at humans’ careless hands 
What have we done to make things right 
To cure this sickly and much polluted lands 

Sitting here alone at no man’s island 
I have a million things frolicking in my mind 
Things I can barely contain in my hands 
And should have done instead of being ‘blind’ 

Time to wake up and do our part 
Give Mother Earth a break and let’s be smart 
Time to give back what we’ve taken apart 
Let Mother Earth feel the love from our hearts 

- M@t@Maya (© 04-05-2011)


Forgive me for running away from you 
It’s not because I stop loving you 
But it’s because I cannot have you 
Forgive me my dearest love, for forsaking you 

Forgive me for refusing to meet you 
It’s not because I loathe you 
Neither is it because I hate you 
Forgive me my one and only for loving you 

Forgive me for turning my back on you 
It’s not because I refuse to hear you 
In fact I fully understand you 
But there’s just no way for me and for you

- M@t@Maya  (© 04-05-2011)


Love abused is like a velvet glove fitted on a dirty shoe 

Love unspoken is like an antique treasure box left unopened 

Love unrequited is like rose petals falling upon the white snow 

Love given up is like a favourite rocking chair left to rot in the attic 

Love wasted is like the morning dew soaked up by the desert sands 

Love accepted & appreciated is like a warm blanket in a cold winter night 

Love shared between two loving hearts is like a secret waiting to be unfolded 

- M@t@Maya (© 27-01-2009)


This Christmas I will send you a gift 
of black and velvety night skies 
with myriads of tiny diamond stars 
to light up your sad and longing eyes. 

Wrapped up in a box of red and gold 
with gossamer ribbons soft and silky 
with colours of the rainbow bold 
tied in a bow knotted with love & kisses from me. 

This Christmas I wish to send you gift 
a five-foot-two porcelain white 
living doll with honey lips 
to love you morning, afternoon and night. 

This Christmas just close your eyes 
Santa will come and bring you 'Me' 
to keep you warm and kindle your fires 
and give you wings and set you free. 

This Christmas I promise you this: 
I will be good, I will be nice 
For this gift, just this once, I will give 
So you be kind, be loving, be wise. 

- M@t@Maya (© 21-12-2008)


His name is carved in my memory forever 
His face is etched permanently in my mind 
His eyes seek deep into my soul 
His voice forever rings in my ears 
His smiles melt my entire being 
His kisses make my heart skip its beat 
His touch sends my mind reeling 
His promises could wrap the Earth tenths of times over 
These are the very things that made me love him. 
BUT, at times................... 
His actions prompted me to ask, why him? 
His yearnings peek the heavens 
His possessiveness is on the brink of jealousy 
His desires overwhelm and could drown me 
His requests from me would strip me of all my principles 
His words cut like a knife, deep into my very soul 
What he said made me cry a million tear drops 
He said I always receive and never give, but I know its otherwise 
And all I ask of him is to bask in the sunshine of my love 
But this isn't enough for him; so now...what am I supposed to do? 
To forget him or to leave him, I can never do, 'cos everything about him 
Is carved, etched, ingrained, imprinted into THE EPITAPH OF MY LOVE 
But this love I have for him is burning and consuming me day by day 
And I am afraid that one day I'll be reduced to nothingness............... 

 - M@t@Maya (© 29-07-2008)


This morning I saw the sun rose in his eyes
He was so happy, so pleased that we are one
I know I'm gonna love him for a long time
Till we're both old and our lives are done

I love the way he held me and my hands
Each time we sat to watch the sun set
The way he ran his fingers through my hair
And how he caressed my face, I won't forget

I love the moments we had while we ate
How we savoured the food we loved
How he dealt with our lovers' spats
How he gazed at the moon above

It is the little things that we do
For each other that means the world
How he says to me "Oh,how I love you"
How he treats me like I'm a little girl

Spending the nights in his arms
Gazing at the stars, lying beneath the skies
Him, keeping me safe from all harms
Laying me to sleep, by kissing my eyes

I love him deeply with all my heart
Will cherish him with all my soul
I can't think of us being far apart
He is my breath, my life, my all

I'll love him till the sun sets in his eyes
Till the moon stops revolving round the Earth
Till the water in the oceans and seas runs dry
I'll love him and prove to him his true worth

- M@t@Maya (© 13-05-2009)


When you came into my life 
With your smile and laughter 
I thought I was the luckiest man alive 
When you lay your head 
On my chest 
I smelled your hair 
When you put your arms around my neck 
I kissed you 
When you whispered my name softly 
I buckled at my knees 
When you slept in my arms while watching TV 
I watched your eyes fluttered 
When you declared your eternal love 
I thought I’d die 
I have given you my heart and my body 
My life, my soul, my time and my money 
Because I love you, and ONLY you 
Then you left me and now all that’s left 
Of me is 
rolling down my cheek…. 

- M@t@Maya (© 28-03-2010)

89. TILL

I will not stop searching TILL I find you 
And hold you close to my chest so 
That you can hear my heart beating 
I will not sleep soundly TILL I see you 
With my very eyes and know for sure 
That you are in front of me at last 
I will not watch the sunset TILL you 
Come and hold my head to your bosom 
To let me hear the sound of your breath 
I will not dry these tears I cry for you 
TILL you come and sit upon my lap 
And tell me that I’m your only love 
I will not rid myself of your memories 
TILL you appear by my side and give me 
The kiss that is meant for me only 
I will not rest my weary bones TILL you 
Surrender yourself to me so that I can 
Pour all my love upon you completely 
So, TILL I can have you all to myself 
I will keep waiting, searching, wanting 
Wishing, praying, thinking and I may 
Even just die momentarily for YOU 

- M@t@Maya (© 26-03-2010)

88. WHAT DO I DO......

What do I do with all the memories of us 
that keep haunting my weary mind 
and that just refuse to go away? 
What do I do with all the traces you left 
on shores of my tired heart 
that become embedded so deep? 
What do I do with the stark reminders 
that you've been here in my life 
that keep popping up everywhere I go? 
What do I do with my long nights 
when your face keep appearing in my dreams 
and reminding me of those times we had? 
What do I do with all your pictures 
that have graced the pages of my life 
that have now been imprinted there? 
What do I do with your gifts of words 
that I have cherished since time exists 
and had become my daily creed? 
What do I do to forget you forever? 


- M@t@Maya (© 22-03-2010)