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"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, Rising through the mellow shade." - Tennyson

Thursday 26 April 2012

87. IF I CAN

If I can have the magic wand
I would wave it three times
And make you a pair of wings
So you can fly to me tonight

If I can call out to the Unicorn
I would send him to you
And let you ride upon him
So he can carry you to me

If I can call upon the Wizard
from his lofty kingdom of OZ
I would beg him to chant his magic
And let it lure you to me

If I can convince the Mermaid
Witch under the deep ocean
To use her magic spell and then
Blow unto you her magic potion

But I am a mere human
A mortal with countless flaw
Possessing nothing worthy of pride
Only my boundless love I have for you

So I will never have you for me
Never will I caress your handsome face
It will only be in my dreams that I will see
Where you'll be mine with God's holy grace

- M@t@Maya (© 27-07-2009)

86. WHY???

Who could have guessed that
beneath that black executive suits
behind the Christian Dior shades
sitting quietly at the back seat
of a chauffeur driven black Mercedes
cruising along the beautiful corniche is
a body so weak, a heart barely beating
a mind so lost, a soul so distraught

Who would have thought that
within that porcelain white silky skin
underneath the auburn coloured hair
looking out over the high balcony
far out beyond the emerald coloured sea
is another grieving soul with
eyes all swollen from endless tears
dark circles a sign of sleepless nights

Why is this world so full of injustice?
Those that lied, cheated and stole
could walk so free to hurt more souls
While those that gave, trusted and loved
had to endure the pain of living
If indeed this life is predestined
Then I have lost all hope of loving
Because loving isn't worth it at all......

- M@t@Maya ( © 21-02-2010)


"Je t'aime", I said to you with a single stalk of red rose
With that I sealed my promise to you
And you cared for my red rose like it was your beating heart
but I did you wrong
I kept you out of my life.....I pushed you away
And little did I realized that when I shut you out of my life 
I was cutting away a part of me too
And so died a red red rose
With a single whisper of 
"I Love You..."

- M@t@Maya (© 20-09-2009)


I wish you know how much I want to hold you
And lay my head upon your chest to listen to your heart
But I won't, for fear of not able to let you go
And instead become a burden to you.

I wish you know how much I want to touch you
And feel your skin next to mine and let it be
But I can't allow myself to do that for fear
That I would lose my mind over you, so I won't.

I wish you know how much I want to stay by you
And be a loving mate and wife to you
But I haven't got courage and faith in myself
And I will never ever break your heart and hurt you.

I wish you know that I have loved you from the moment
I lay my eyes upon you and felt my heart beating for you
But I can't let you know for fear that you'd turn me away
And that will hurt me for the rest of my days.

- M@t@Maya ( © 26-01-2009)

83. I AM....

I am in your first view of the morning's sun
I am in your tea cup as you sip it in your breakfast
I am in each face you meet on the way to work
I am in your PC's screen as you start off the day
I am in your wallet when you take out a note or two
I am in your favourite midday lunch break
I am in your shadow that follows you every where you go
I am in your nightly dreams and fantasies
Why am I always with you?
Because YOU put me there beside you, inside you, around you.....
Because I AM the ONE you choose to love............

- M@t@Maya ( © 20-08-2008)


I stand beneath the azure sky
Wishing her well, healthy and strong
To face each and every new day
For my heart with her now belongs

I stand before the emerald sea
wondering if she's thinking of me
Can she feel deep in her heart
Though we're so far apart?

Could the wind carry my words
And tell her that I am so lonely
That she is always in my prayers
Every moment every hour she's with me

I pray to God for her safety
With each and everything she makes
May God guide her, lead her to me
With each and every step she takes

I stand looking up at the silver moon
As night comes quietly by
And wish for her to come back soon
Stay by me till the oceans run dry

I promise her love everlasting
A love like no other that'll ever be
I'll give her my all, my everything
My heart, my soul, my mind, my psyche

I stand here waiting.........

- M@t@Maya (© 17-03-2009)


I would walk upon a rainbow
and bring to you a pot of gold
To spread beneath your feet
For your heart, body and soul

I would spread the rainbow yarn
as a carpet where you would walk
As long as I can have your smile
of sweet jasmine as you talk

Then I'll paint the horizon
all the way to the zenith
Rainbow colors for sunset or dawn
Sparkling waters that lie beneath

That's how deep my love is for you
Wider than the whole universe
Higher than the Everest or Kathmandu
More meaningful than all promises

I'd bring to you all the silk
Enough to wrap the Earth ten times over
Bath your body with fragrant milk
Over your body I spread my hair as cover

For you are the Prince of my heart
You are my knight in shining armour
And only you can keep me from apart
My dream lover my sweet paramour

I shall wrap you with my rainbow shawl
Together we'll sail across the heaven
Spinning dreams, colorful fantasies
Making love morning, night, twenty four seven

- M@t@Maya ( © 13-06-2009)


Life itself is a journey
A trip where we get on board
A vessel traversing the years
Till we come to the end of the road

There are times in our lives
When everything seems to fail
When nothing seems to go right
When living is just horrible hell

Sometimes life is so hard to live
Road full of rocks and prickly thorns
So little to receive and more to give
A journey predestined before we're born

At times when there seems no where to go
One feels like ending this painful life
But our lives aren't ours to bargain for
But God's to help Him through this strife

Have you reach the end of your road
Or just at the crossroad to no where
Remember! The end is but a beginning
To a new life that's waiting over there!

- M@t@Maya ( © 11-06-2009)


Today I walked in the rain
To hide my flowing tears
Tears of sadness and pain
Pain of a heart in fears
No matter where I stay
life is still the same
searching every single day
for true love, not a game

No one will ever know
how hollow this heart can be
devoid of warmth nothing to show
That's my life forever empty
Wash them, Oh dear rain
Wash my bitter tears away
Wash all this killing pain Even if it's just for a day

Where is he, my true eternal Love
Fill my heart and let me live
Take me away wherever you wish
I'm tired of just going adrift
Where is he my love's delight?
My hero, my princely cheers
Where is he my bravest knight?
Save me from this endless tears

Tell me God, where is he?
The one that will finally be mine
The one that you've chosen for me
To love forever, rain or shine
Where are you, tell me your name?
Who will love me deep and true
Heal this pain, rid of this shame
Show yourself 'coz I really need you

- M@t@Maya ( © 30-04-2009)

Monday 23 April 2012


I shall be your distant star
To guide you where ever you are
By night I am your guiding light
By day I'll shine as the sun so bright
Your distant star forever I'll be
Out of your reach you can only see
My light travels a billion years
To be your beacon from all the fears

I shall forever be where I am
As your landmark as your guiding lamp
As long as you know that I am here
You'll never lost your way, have no fear
Look up to the sky and you'll find me there
Forever twinkling like a firefly
I promise you I'll always care
Until my body's weary the day I'll die

I shall love you till the end of time
Till the suns and the stars all burnt away
Until the songs run out of rhyme
Till no man lives and nothing stay
Such is how great my love for you
It knows no bound, no wall, no creed
It even goes beyond the grave
You are the only one I'll ever need

- M@t@Maya (© 23-03-2009)


Dreams are plays 
acted on the stage of the mind 
that commence when the curtains of one's eyes are drawn.... 

Dreams are fleeting fantasies 
on the canvas of one's hope 
with colours so vivid like butterfly wings....

Keep on dreaming for dreams give us hope
and dreaming costs us nothing
takes no space, stops at no wall..... 

Don't stop dreaming 
even when your dreams haven't come true
for when one stops dreaming, one stops living.....

- M@t@Maya (© 19-11-2008)


In my darkest hour the night was long
When fireflies hid and no cicada song
And the Moon refused to lend it’s light
That was the time I thought I had died

Not a single screech from the cricket heard
Nor the chirping of the nightingale bird
Not a slightest breath of the night breeze
Nor a brush of my lover’s kiss

Then came forth light, a ray from above
Breaking through the clouds like a search light
Bringing hope and bringing love
Breathing new life into the dead night

Suddenly the wind was blowing
The clouds began to clear away
I knew that was my new beginning
That God had given me another day

- M@t@Maya ( © 28-04-2010)


Let me forever be the light
At the end of your tunnel
Let me forever be the figment
Of your imagination
Let me forever be the shining star
That brightens your darkest night
Let me forever be Sun
That brightens your days
Let me forever be the Moon
That casts it’s light on the lake
Let me forever be honey on your lips
Let me forever be the wind
That whispers in your ears
Let me forever be the rain
That showers the parched earth
For I can only be the woman
Of your nightly dreams
And the rose that scents your
Lonely days……..as you are
In mine…..…..

- M@t@Maya (© 25-02-2010)

74. NOW......

Now, when I look back
I realize how I had loved you
Much less than I should have
When all you ever wanted
Was me, just me and me only
But I was too occupied
With senseless things
To even noticed how empty
Your long days had been
When I should have been there
To love you more than I had
And I was too vain to own
To my mistakes and my flaws
Instead I shut you out
Of my life and continued
With mine as if nothing
Had happened when in fact
We were both dying for
Each other’s touch and love
Now, all I could do is regret
And wish that I could turn back
The hands of time so that
I could love you MORE
Now, I am the one dying inside

- M@t@Maya (© 22-03-2010)

Sunday 22 April 2012


How long will it last
before we touch ground?
How long will it take
before we wake up?
I am now dreaming
We're dancing on the moon
Fancy foot works
A glide on the clouds
Soft angels music
Light gossamer shroud
Upon my shoulders
To shield me from cold
Your hand on my hip
My palm you do hold
Our bodies are swaying
in rhythmic dance
Our breath blend in tandem
A God given chance
I want it to go on
Don't stop it too soon
Let's dance till the dawn
On this silvery Moon....
Oh! I love you so
And that....you must know!

- M@t@Maya ( © 30-03-2009)


Your eyes pierce my very soul
Your smiles color all my days
Your words soothe all my pain
Your messages guide all my ways

Are you a stranger who's lost his way
Who's come by mistake into my dream
Or are you some lost soul gone astray
Looking for fun or a one night steam?

Why have you touched my heart so deep
Like we've been together all the eons
Is this thing we have now really for keeps
Or by tomorrow will it be gone?

Please don't tease my vulnerable heart
Stop fooling around my tired mind
Don't play with my troubled soul
Please be truthful, please be kind

Tell me now, who you are
That you've control my every move
I see your face just everywhere
I hear your voice I feel your love

I still don't know how we've met
Why our paths have crossed some how
Someone has orchestrated this move?
Or is it just an arrow from Cupid's Bow?

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-03-2009)


My Love, I'll carry your heart anywhere I go
So that I'll always remember you
My Love, I'll carry your smile in my darkest moment
To let you know that I love you too

My Dearest, I'll carry your love to the end of the world
And let it shroud me safe from harm and fear
My Dearest, I'll carry your kisses softly upon my lips
To remind me that you're always near

My Sweetheart, I'll carry your dreams upon my brows
And wish that every single one comes true
My Sweetheart, I'll carry your touch upon my breasts
And let my heart beats only for you

My Soul Mate, I'll carry your name next to mine
And show the world that we are done
My Soul Mate, I'll carry your body with so much love
And will carry your child in my body for now we are ONE

My Love, My Dearest, My Sweetheart, My Soul Mate
I promise that I will carry you in everything I do
Till death do us part, till we reach Heaven's Gate
For I shall tell God that I love no one else as much as I love you

- M@t@Maya (© 08-02-2009)


Like the dew drop clinging to a stalk of grass
in the early morning sun, a jewel of nature
made by God’s hand, like a tear drop
waiting to fall – such was our love
so pure and sacred, untouched
Yet, like the dew drop it was
not meant to last, gone
with the first sun ray
and never to

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-03-2010)


Forever you and I
How beautiful it would be
but we both know that
this will forever be a dream
where our hearts will find love
where our souls will meet
and our lives shall be one
Forever you and I
Is just a wishful thinking
playing fantasies
in the garden of our minds
Wishes we know will
always be in their youth
never to be lived and realized
Forever you and I
in a world of our own
where no one can take away
our dreams and our roles
A secret hideaway
in a land of
turquoise green dreams
where there's just you and I

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-04-2009)

Saturday 21 April 2012


My life now hangs by a silver thread
from a cliff of dreams and hope and love
If he leaves me then that thread will break
And I shall crash all the way from above
My days are now like a calendar on the wall
Numbered, marked and remembered one by one
If he decides to leave me now I will fall
My dreams, my hope and my breath all gone
I cannot dream or imagine or even think
My life without him it makes me wanna cry
If he leaves me I'm no one, I am nothing
My thread of life will break and I will die
That is
if he leaves me

- M@t@Maya ( © 30-03-2009)


That fine day you walked along the beach of my heart
and left your footprints along the lonely shore
I didn't think someone would come away this far
I traced your footsteps to find out if there's more
The footprints now keep becoming closer and closer
like someone there's been staggering along
I wondered what he'd be like, what he was after
Whose footprints were these, to whom do they belong

Against the colors of the setting sun there stood
A figure, a silhouette of a man looking afar
So still, so quiet, so lonely and out of touch
Like his eyes were fixed on the distant stars
Why had he trodden upon my lonely beach
Did he know that with every step he trod
He would leave his footprints forever engraved
deeply on my broken heart, please help me God

No matter how hard the waves'd crash
Upon my lonely beach of gold
His footprints would not be washed
They'll forever stay in my soul
Now he's chosen to leave my lonely shores
and walk away with no care or memories
But does he know that my heart's been touched
when he took a walk along my lonely beach

His footprints will forever stay
on the shores of my saddened heart
they'll be reminders of that day
even when we've grown far apart
Thank you for passing along
the desolate beach of my soul
leaving your footprints in a song
of a silent heart, I gave my all....

- M@t@Maya ( © 15-04-2009)


Oh...how I hate the memory
of the cold winter days
and bittersweet winter nights
Those were the painful days
when my life was at its worst
when my heart bled with heartbreak
when my soul was searching for answers
when my body was wrecked with hunger
when my mind was spinning with questions
Oh...I still can't come to terms
with myself when I recall those
cruel winter days
when no one seemed to understand
and no one seemed to care
Those lonely winter nights
of wanderings lost in the dark
crying tears that cut through my face
those were the time I had wished
that death would come easy
for at that time I was a broken person
lost like a ship in a storm
like a herd without its shepherd
Those were the nights I had the skies
as my roof, the hailstones
as my teardrops, the stars were
witnesses to my desperation
Those were the lowest moments
of my life and I wanna forget
the pain, the tears, the heartache
Winter shall never be my season
For I died momentarily on one
of those cold, wet lonely nights.......

- M@t@Maya ( © 25-04-2009)


My soul has travelled the universe in search
Of a Soul Mate to make my life complete
Travelled the suns and moons and planets
To look for love within a heart that'll bleed.....

A heart that'll bleed at the sight and thought of me
A heart that'll promise love infinite
Through thick and thin through rain or shine
For I have searched long and wide.......

For eons have I travelled in search
And eons more I will continue to look
Until my heart's desires are fulfilled
I must find him by hook or by crook.....

I will search and I will look in every nook and corner
Where are you my heart's desire, my soul's provider
My love unmatched, my mind's robber, my body's on fire
Unmasked yourself and show me who you are.....

- M@t@Maya (© 07-02-2009)

64. YOU....

You are in my thoughts each moment of the day
You are in my heart each beating that it makes
You are in my mind each passing of the hour
You are in my reverie each time I close my eyes
You are in my dreams each night that I fall asleep
You are in my breath each time I inhale
You are in my eyes in everything I see
You are in my lips with every word I utter..........
Who are YOU, that YOU are with me in everything I do?
You are YOU, and you know who YOU are
Why are YOU always with me
Because I let YOU be, because.............
I love YOU.

- M@t@Maya ( © 14022010)


I almost had the world upon my palm
So close it was I could feel it’s warmth
I could smell it’s fresh sunny showers
Could almost kiss its meadow flowers
It was just another mile to go
Just another trek to follow
It was just one more day to stay
One more stage to act a play
But Arrogance came creeping in
Corrupted my soul with so much sin
Fired my desire for what weren’t mine
Made me question anything divine
For with Arrogance came Greed
Told me to get more than I need
Yet, with everything that I’ve had
Life still feels empty and sad
Because Life doesn’t belong to me
It’s a gift and privilege from The Almighty
How could I even think of having the world
I’m just one arrogant, unthinking greedy girl
One can never ‘almost have’ something
That was HIS from the very beginning……

- M@t@Maya (© 02-12-2011)


Who am I to meddle with Divine plan
To have messed up the puzzle pieces
Hoping to create the plan of Man
Trying to play GOD in all His greatness?

To wage a war against the Heaven's force
Is like trying to move the Earth with my finger
If only I had listened to the cosmic whispers
This hellish fear would no longer linger

Who am I to scoff at Destiny
To have mocked and tempted Fate
Hoping to change what was meant to be
To fool the Angels at Heaven's Gate?

I knew I loved you even before I met you
But I chose to fight my way against the tide
I wouldn't let my Chart of Life be proven true
I neglected you, forced you away from my side

Now I am faced with the final moment
To make a decision of a lifetime
But without a heart I'm just a body of flesh
Incapable of giving love devoid of crime

Is it fair to the man who loves me
Be it at day or in the dark of the night
Won't it be wrong to accept him to my life
Just because the future seems so bright?

Someone...Help me...I am at a crossroad...

- M@t@Maya (© 13-07-2009)


The world seemed like Paradise
Seen from their longing eyes
The flickering colours of neon lights
Seemed to be stars twinkling bright
Two people in the sweetest embrace
Intoxicated in lovers’ daze
The sweet fragrance from their heat
Blown by the wind when bodies met
She stood apart and looked at him
In all his majestic manly frame
Her breath quickened at the sight she saw
She was speechless struck in awe
Then a little voice in her head
Told her to taste the apple red
It told her that she’d find the Truth
The sweetest feeling God put on Earth
She gave him a portion - a bite or two
This would seal their love anew
With renewed strength and wanton desires
They could no longer contain their fires
Their bodies moved in rhythmic dance
Full of love and lust in trance
Two humans who had found love
Now angered The One above
She sat huddled on the bed
Put her arms to hide her head
He reached out to hold her tight
Wanting to love her through the night
But she was ashamed of her nakedness
What had she done, would there be forgiveness?
And lovingly he said to her
“I don’t care…I’ll love you forever
Together we’ll go through thick and thin
Forgive us God for our mortal sin
We would trade our immortality
For a moment’s glimpse of eternity….”

- M@t@Maya (© 26-03-2009)

Friday 20 April 2012


As it was when the sun set at the end of a day
Like the darkness when the moon disappeared from the midnight sky
So had been my days without your love
I became a shore without the breaking waves
A tree without its leaves
A garden without its flowers
I was a wasteland dried up and cracking
For, when you left
You also took my laughter and
my smiles and all that’s left are tears
that flood my ‘Angel Eyes’

- M@t@Maya ( © 03-03-2101)


No one else could feel me like you do 
Read me like an open book right through
Everyone else see me for what I'm not
Whereas you could see me for all I've got

Today I remembered you and cried hard
Pouring endless tears down my cheeks
Seeing your images in every place
Feeling hopelessness wherever I peek

I know you could feel my heart in pain
That you could hear even my whispers
As I could feel every beat of your heart
Even though its miles away and we're apart

You touched my life Oh so tenderly
In the briefest moment ever to be felt
Yet you leave this burden so heavily
I've been through tears, heartbreaking hell

I wish I could turn back the hands of time
And re-write a different chapter of love
And be aware of that love can be so blind
And seek the guidance from the God above

You told me that love is not a game
And that to you it's a sacred thing
But now game it is indeed love's name
You've made it worthless into nothing

I bet you're tickled right to the bones
Thinking you've succeeded in fooling me
But that's okay, may God forgive you
I will not forget you till eternity

Living one's life in complete denial
Is living a life of deceit and lies
Life's indeed tribulations and trial
Of guilt and sins and silent cries

I'll continue to love you more each day
Love you true and wish you happiness
I'll cherish your memories in every way
Until the world disappears into nothingness

- M@t@Maya (© 11-06-2009)


It was mine to have and to hold
It was mine to give and share
It was mine to make
It was mine to feel
It was ours in our dreams
It was ours to share
But now 
 these are mere fantasies
Fantasies too far-fetched to reach
Because they were never ours to start with

- M@t@Maya ( © 21-12-2010)


The familiar chill gripping the heart
Like a vice unyielding holding its captive
The tears welling up ready to flow
But were caught frozen like stalactites
The anger that's raging and burning inside
Waiting to break loose to raze like hell
But instead... it ends in a soft whimper
Like that of a puppy lost in a stormy night
It oozes an icy chill of a breezy winter
Only to light up like a candle burning water

This is the moment so dreaded so uninvited
When one receives the news of betrayal
When one finds out about a cheating heart
When one realizes she's been lied to
A feeling that gnawed right into the soul
An anger that could boil meal for a thousand
A wish for vengeance that would survive eonS
The moment when reasons take the backstage
Where irrationality reigns in sovereignty
Like the moment when the candle burns water

- M@t@Maya (© 22-05-2009)


He calls me his 'Angel'
Where he returns to each tiring day
Where he lays his head and takes a nap
Where he rests his heart, come what may

He calls me his 'Love'
To enshroud upon his tired body
To spread like cream over his skin
To savour and drink like wild honey

He calls me his 'Heart'
That beats non-stop to give him life
That holds his lifeblood like no other
Like a friend, a companion or even a wife

He calls me his 'Sugar'
That flavours his sepia days
Leaving lingering sweetness on his lips
Giving him strength in whatever ways

I thank God for this gift of a man
Who lets me share his world of care
Who loves me purely for who I am
And who promises me he'll always be there

- M@t@Maya (© 22-05-2009)

Thursday 19 April 2012


Did he seriously think that she would care?
That she would cry till all her tear runs dry
Did he imagine that she would sit and mourn?
Like there's no more moon and sun in the sky

Well, she doesn't...honestly doesn't give a damn
For she did not owe him anything at all
He is just another passing fancy without a name
Just someone to pass the time until the fall

Did he seriously think he could control her?
Keep her hands tied, make her wear chastity belt
He's just a nobody who thinks he can own her
Who's just dreaming about a life he'd never felt

She has warned them over and over again
To never judge a book by its look and cover
For looks and appearance can easily deceive
What's hidden between the pages and whatever

For beneath that soft and silky skin
Lies strong bones of steel and wire
And behind that lovely winning smile
Beats a courageous heart of stone and fire

A heart that's capable of breaking a man
When forced to compromise respect and dignity
A smile that can conquer an entire land
And drive a man to his feet to become crazy

So don't you dare to spell and dictate
What you believe is your master line
You're not gonna get her to participate
In your stupid game, for she ain't blind

For she's a paradox of hate and love
A creature born of the passion's fire
She can be soft and demure like a dove
Or sly and passionate with raging desire

Take my advice, be cautious and be careful
When you cross path with such a wonder
For you might lose your head like a fool
And you'd realise it when she's got you under!

- M@t@Maya (© 13-06-2009)


Please free me, unshackle me
Let me fly away to my land of dream
Stop torturing me by letting me
Hanging by my life's thread
I have had enough of you
And you should have enough of me
I have set you free long ago
So stop imprisoning my heart
I am through with our world
Which in fact is only your world
I want to live the rest of my days
With those who love me in all ways
You are too greedy wanting all of me
Yet there was never a time
That I could call yours and mine
Set me free for I'm no longer blind
Take away this chain you've put around me
Unlocked this shackle and let me walk free
Someone else is more deserving of me
Enough of you and your selfish menagerie
Free me...unshackle me.....

- M@t@Maya (© 13-07-2009)


I could smell whiffs of his aftershave
My eyes still closed from the morning ray
And I stretched my hand to reach out for him
Only to find he was not there.....

But it all seems so vivid and so real
I could feel he was there lying next to me
I could sense he was looking upon my face
And I was basking in total glee.......

Then I could hear him whispering into my ears
Telling me that he was mine and I was his
I could feel his warm caress upon my breasts
And I was swathed in total bliss......

What could be more painful than to realize
That it was only a vivid dream
A dream that may not even materialize
Coz I many never even get to see him......

- M@t@Maya (© 19-03-2009)


Forgive me for the hurt that I have caused you
I did not do it on purpose to break your heart
But we've come from two different worlds
Two worlds that are just too far apart
I will always love you no matter where you are
No matter who you will be you will always be with me
For you have succeeded in capturing this little heart
Even if you only dwell in my soul and live in my memory

I may just remain empty for the rest of my life
'Cos I know that my heart is now in your hand
Forgive me for I can’t be your loving and devoted wife
I’ll leave you alone – Be strong for you are a good man
Please don't give up on love though I have to go
Because you deserve so much loving from someone new
Someone who will live to give you much more
Someone who can live forever with you

Please do not be sad, please do not weep
For our love is just like the rose tree
It has too many thorns that prick our hearts
Many obstacles that keep you away from me
Will you say 'goodbye' to me and close this chapter
Of our love story, let it be forgotten soon
Will you promise me to be happy, to be strong
I will be your Sun by day, and at night I'll be your Moon.

- M@t@Maya (© 08-02-2009)

51. DON'T !!

Don't be sad when I can't let you
be a part of my life for it was never
meant to be.....

Don't give up on life when I shut you
away from the door to my heart for my heart
isn't with me.....

Don't shed a tear when I return your love
for your love deserve a better home and I
am not the one.....

Don't waste your words trying so hard
to talk me into receiving your sacred love
that deserves a holy sanctuary....

Don't ever regret what's not meant
to be for you should live and love someone
who loves you in return....

Don't turn back to watch me weep
over a love that's never mine
Go and look elsewhere.....

Don't be afraid of venturing again
even though your heart has been broken
Let it heal and love again....

Don't close your heart to a love
anew for you are still young and should
learn to live on....

Don't ever ever give up on your love
You are the best friend I have ever had
Let us remain so.....

- M@t@Maya (© 26-01-2009)


The loneliness I have to go through tonight
The longing I have for you to be near me
I am barely getting by till tomorrow's day light
Because I want you and I need you so badly

I can't imagine this life without you
I can't imagine waking up tomorrow
If you are not there I know I can't do
I can pull through because I need you

Wonder if you could feel what I'm going through
If your mind's held captive by this too
If your heart is feeling mine blue
Because, for me, I really really need you

I never thought I would feel this way
I never knew that love is such a pain
I needed you then, I need you now, everyday
I don't mind going through this pain again

I love you and I need you tonight
but do you need me and love me, too?
I don't know if you feel this is right
All I know is I love you and I need you

- M@t@Maya (© 08-04-2009)


If I could spin threads of dreams
and weave a cloth of heavens
I would embroider pictures of the stars
and the moon singing angels‘ songs
I would present it to you
To shroud it upon your shoulders
To keep you safe and warm
To shield you from all harm

If I could build a bridge of love
Of cotton candies and rainbow beads
I would build it for you to cross
Over to reach me so that you heal
My longing heart and bring me joy
And in return I make you the happiest
Man in the whole world and galaxy
And I'll be yours until eternity

If I could undo this brocade of life
I would first of all free myself
From all that's tying me down
And I would set myself free
So that I can fly away on eagle's wing
And reach up to the highest heaven
Tied up to you by silver string
Never alone again; free from this longing

If I could return to the beginning of time
And re-write the story of love
I would begin with just me and you
Living the first days in paradise
Listening to the angels' harp
Enjoying every moment living wise
Then I would not have to choose
Between what is good and what to lose

But this is only 'If'.....
And if only things were different then…..

- M@t@Maya (© 03-04-2009)


Will you leave me
with a broken heart
now that I love
You with all of me?

Will you go away
and leave me
to wipe my tears
when I've given my all?

Will you forget me
once you find
success and fame
and I would just die?

Will you stop
calling my name
when you've found
a new love?

Will you no longer
dream of being
with me when
you're awake?

If you will
Then let me go now
when I can still
love you somehow 

- M@t@Maya (© 31-03-2009)